Steve Messes Up BIG Time

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It was time for an Avenger meeting and Tony was late, again. Steve was whispering to Clint about Tony, " He is probably drunk, hanging around his room," Steve says to Clint. Clint sees Peter hiding in a corner, and tried to get Steve to shut up. Steve, of course, doesn't listen, until Peter jumps out out him, picking him up by the neck and pushing him into a wall, hard. Peter says, " If I hear you say ONE MORE bad thing about my father( Tony has adopted him after May disowned him) I will kill you, slowly and painfully."
It had been 3 months, and Steve, somehow, had forgotten Peter's threat. There was another meeting, that both Tony and Peter were late for. Steve, the dumbass he is, was talking bad about Tony, again, not seeing Peter in the dark corner. Peter comes out of the corner when Steve called Tony a ' stupid, useless, drunk, playboy of a man. Peter picks Steve up and throws him across the conference room, into the opposite wall. Everyone can see half of Peter's suit was now a midnight black, with sickly green streaking thought it. Clint, who recognized the suit, backed up to opposite wall from where Peter was. Peter/Venom smirked when he noticed that Clint was scared, but Steve was confused. FRIDAY had already called everyone, and was recording the whole encounter for Tony. Peter smirked and asked, " What Steve don't you recognize me?" "Venom!" Steve growled, "Are you possessing Peter?" "Nope, we are the same person," Venom told Steve, "Now time to die." Venom turned back to Peter and asked Karen if he had the ability to inject venom into someone. She responded, " Yes, just say Karen, venom, and to will inject venom though you middle finger." Peter put his middle finger up to Steve's neck and said," Karen, venom," instantly killing Steve.

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