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**Seth's P.O.V.**

"Now what's going on !?" I yelled in confusion.

"Well this is Tyler, my boyfriend." Dean said in a smart tone.

"I thought you broke up with him !?" I asked Tyler as he tried covering himself .

"No, we never broke up. I did leave on a business trip. I found out your show was here, so I left early to surprise Dean. I leave at 5am tomorrow." he answered.

Roman folded his arms and looked at me in disappointment.

"We're really sorry. You guys can go back to what you were doing." Roman said as he drug me out the hotel.

**Roman's P.O.V.**

{Car ride}

"I swear I talked to Tyler and he said-"

"I believe you." I said interrupting him.

"You do ?" he asked.

"No, not really. But I just want this to be over and I want us to start over. Baby I love you and I don't want to lose you again." I pleaded.

"You know, you're right. I shouldn't have been trying to expose Ambrose. Guess I lost sight on that when I should've been working on us." he said after a long pause.

"You know what this means ? Rolleigns is back." I said in a deep.

"Rolleigns is back !" Seth yelled out the window.

{Meanwhile back at Dean's hotel}

**Dean's P.O.V.**

"You owe me for saving your ass !" Tyler said.

"Hey, I didn't tell you to come out the bathroom naked, even though you were gonna get naked anyway. I didn't even know they were coming over." I protested.

"Well it was that or listen to you get beat by Seth." he said.

"Look, I can take Seth ! You can leave if you want, I'm not stopping you." I said folding my arms and rolling my eyes.

We were going to have sex just for the hell of it, but he walked out, and I didn't care, I got what I wanted. Everything went according to plan. Roman and Seth think I'm taken, and I made Seth look like a liar. Now I can go straight after Roman.


They're back together ! But Dean doesn't know that ! Thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting and all of that good stuff ! Surprise surprise - There's another book !

- SethieReigns

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