Chapter 7 - Wi-Fi In The Sky

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{Airplane Ride To Virginia}

**Seth's P.O.V.**

"So why were you so late getting here ?" I asked Roman.

"Remember I had a meeting ?" he replied.

"A 4 hour meeting ? What was it about ?" I asked.

"Well Hunter didn't show up, he had another meeting to go to." he told me.

"Then why didn't you come back to the room ?" I questioned.

"I was going to, but Dean looked so down about Tyler going to Georgia for a business deal." he answered.

"Georgia ?" I said in my head.

"Roman ? Hey !" we heard from behind us. It was Dean sitting way back behind us.

"Sir, you can't yell on the plane, please have a seat !" the flight attendant told him.

**Roman's P.O.V.**

"Excuse me ma'am does this plane have Wi-Fi ?" I asked.

"You mean a wireless internet connection ?" she said.

"That's what Wi-Fi is ma'am." I said politely.

"Sir, don't get snappy with me ! I'm just doing my job ! You men are all the same !" she yelled walking off.

I wanted to tell Dean to just talk to me on Facebook, but I didn't want to yell. I kept whispering his name, hoping he would hear me. He only answered with "What ?" and I kept trying to talk to him.

"DEAN GET ON FACEBOOK !" Seth yelled.

"Sir ! No yelling on the plane !" the attendant said coming back to us.

"Go to the back Janice !" he yelled at her, making her go to the back.

{Facebook Conversation}

Dean (Status) - "Roman convinced me to get on here. How do I make a status ?"

Roman (Comments) - "You just did it."

Dean - "Did what ?"

Roman - "You just made a post."

Dean - "But I want to make a status."

Seth - "Roman, why did you make him get on Facebook ? You know he can't work it."

Dean - "Shut up you scumbag before I delete you."

Seth - "I'll Curbstomp your face in, how about that ?"

Roman - "Play nice you guys."

Seth - "I'm going to sleep."

Seth plugged in his headphones and laid against the window after the Facebook misapprehension. I told Dean to get on Skype because it was less complicated. I called him, and surprisingly he answered on the first try.


"Why the hell did my laptop just ring !? Is it a phone too ?" Dean asked.

"It means someone wants to video chat with you. And that some is me." I told him.

"What does this button do ?" he asked. Suddenly his screen turned blue.

"Look, I'm Blue-tista !" he yelled. "Now I'm green like John Cena !" he said changing colors.

"Dean ! We have to talk about something." I told him as he clicked back to normal.

"Sir, you need to put your headphones in, you're distracting other passengers !" Janice said in a nasty tone.

"Okay, where are my Beats by Dre headphones ?" I said looking into my bag.

"Doesn't matter who made them, as long as you use them !" she yelled.

"I don't think you understand, these cost more than your outfit." I said giggling.

**Dean's P.O.V.**

"Actually, I want to talk to you about something. Make sure Seth is sleep first." I told him.

"I waved my hand infront of him and he didn't move. Now what were you saying ?" he asked.

"About what happened in the locker room the other day." I started. I pressed a button and everything went black. I pressed it again and Roman popped up.

"Say that again ?" he told me. I repeated myself and he said "Dean you don't have to say anything about it."

"No, I have to. It was something to me, and I think it was something to you too. I never should've asked you to get my back for me." I said.

"No, I never should've came to the shower right beside you. And I never should've asked you to get my back. We're both taken men. I should've known better." he told me.

I pressed a button again with my elbow on accident, leaning on my laptop and Roman was gone again.

"What did you say ?" he asked popping back up.

"I said when we touched, you gave me a warm feeling inside." I told him.

"I have to say that honestly, I felt something too. I'm not sure what, but I don't think it was serious. I guess since I haven't been giving Seth any sex, a little touch from anyone can set me off." he said laughing.

"You wouldn't believe this guy. He needs sex twice a day just to live. It's insane." he said giggling.

The screen went black again, so I pressed every botton for Roman to come back and he asked me what I had said while we were disconnected.

"I said same here. Since I've been alone for a while, sex from anyone sounds good," I laughed. "even from you." I added quickly and quietly, but he heard me.

"Dean, what's been going on with you lately ?" he asked smiling. I gave a big sigh and started.

"You know, I-" and then the screen cut off. "I really miss you Rome." I continued, thinking he would pop up soon. "I know you're taken and I totally respect that, but I miss us being in a tag team. I miss everything we use to do outside the ring. Having lunch with you today brought back old memories of us just hanging out and having a good time."

The screen was still black. Roman finally came back, but he put me on pause.

"Seth, what's wrong ?" I heard him ask as Seth got up.

I saw Roman staring up at Seth and out of nowhere I saw a hand come down and slap Roman. It was so loud, I heard it from the back of the plane.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter ! Comment, vote and share ! Enjoy the rest !

- SethieReigns

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