Chapter 1

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I hear the piercing sound of my phone ringing as I wake up from my deep sleep to check who is calling at 9 in the morning. My moms name flashes on the screen as I reach for my phone to answer it.

"Hello?" I said as if I was annoyed that i was woken up from my dreams.

"Honey, it's time for you to get up!"

"Okay. I'm up!"

"Good. And remember to go to your school to register for school."

"Okay. I will."

"Okay. I have to get back to work now. Bye!"

"Bye!" I quickly said and hung up the phone. I then realize how early it is and decide to close my eyes for a few more minutes before I start to get ready to go to registration.

When i open my eyes it is 10 in the morning. so I decide to go onto Twitter to see what happened when I was asleep.

It is now 10:30 in the morning when I decide to actually get out of bed. I get a bowl of honey nut cheerios for myself for breakfast and sit down at the table with my phone. I go on Twitter again while I eat. When I finish eating, I put my bowl in the sink and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When my teeth are clean I go to my dresser and pull out a cute hot pink cropped tank top with some high waisted jean shorts. I then brush my hair and put foundation, powder, eyeliner, and mascara on to complete my look.

I finish getting ready at about 11:30 in the morning. So I decide to walk to Starbucks to get a caramel frappuccino.


At Starbucks, I am waiting for my frappuccino when a familiar face walks in. A face that I have not talked to since 8th grade. Alex Constancio. I thought he was alone until the other two familiar faces walked in. Robert Villanueva and Zach Dorsey. We used to be best friends since 3rd grade. but that all changed when he moved to town the summer before high school. Austin Mahone. He stole my best friends away from me.

I am taken away from my thoughts when my name is called at the counter, "Addison." I quickly grab my frappuccino careful enough not to be noticed by the boys. But that doesn't go as planned as Alex sees me when I grab the coffee.

"Addi?" Alex says wondering if it really is me.

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