Chapter 4

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"Alex?" I say shocked.

"Yeah." he says nervously.

"Um... what are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"I came here to talk."

"About what? We haven't spoken in two years." I remind him.

"That's what I wanted to talk about."

"Oh." is all I can say.

"Why did you stop talking to us?" he blurts out.

"What are you talking about? You're the ones who stopped talking to me!" I say a little to harshly.

"I texted you everyday during that summer! You're the one who didn't reply!"

"I didn't reply because every time I saw you, you were with you're new best friend!" I say hurt.

"What are you talking about? You were always my best friend! And I thought I was your best friend!"

"Not until you met that Austin kid!" I say trying to hold back the tears.

"I was with him a lot because he was new and he didn't know anyone!"

"But after the summer ended you kept hanging out with him and not me!" I say now crying.

Alex takes me into his arms to calm me down.

"I just wish everything was the way they used to be before." I say crying into Alex's chest.

"So do I." Alex agrees with me.

"Do you want to do something tonight like we used to?" Alex asks.

"Like what? Movies?" I question him.

"Yeah. Do you want to rent a movie or go to the movie theater and see one?"

"Well, there's no good movies out right now. So, either Netflix or Redbox is good."

"Okay. I have Netflix at my house still. You want to go their?"

"Yeah. Let me just change."

"Why do you want to change? We aren't going to the movies."

"Yes. But it is summer, and I don't want to go outside in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I will be quick." I say as Alex groans.

"Okay. Fine."

I decide to wear a blue cropped tank top with high waisted shorts and some black strappy sandals. I put on my minimal amount of makeup that I usually do and walk over to the front door where Alex is waiting for me.

"Finally! You took forever!" He says sarcastically while I roll my eyes.

"It only took me a half an hour! I usually take an hour to get ready!" I defend myself.

"It only takes me 15 minutes to get ready,though."

"Anyways, I'm ready now, so let's go."

The car ride to Alex's house is not awkward like I thought it might have been. The entire ride Alex and I sang to every song that came on the radio. It felt like nothing has changed between us.

"I miss this." Alex says when Justin Bieber's 'As long As You Love Me' ends.

"I did too." I agree with him.

We arrive at his house in about ten more minutes. When we park, I get out and so does Alex.

"Hey, bro! How you doing?" I here a voice call out.

"I'm good! How are you?" Alex replies and there is a boy walking towards us.

"I'm good." When the boy gets closer, I notice that it is Austin.

"Oh. This is Addi, Austin!" Alex introduces me.

"Hi." I shyly say.

"Hey." Austin says and turns to Alex, "So, you wanna shoot some hoops right now?"

"Actually, I'm going to pass today." Alex denies Austin.

"Oh, well another time then."


Alex and I go into his house and I am greeted at the door by his mom.

"Addi! I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?" Alex mom yells to me.

"I have been good." I answer her question.

"Why haven't I seen you in so long?" She asks more questions.

"I have just been busy." I lie.

"Mom, we are going to watch movies on Netflix." Alex informs his mom.

"Just like old times, huh?"

"Yeah, we both kinda missed it." Alex answers for the both of us.

"Okay, well have fun!"

I walk into Alex's room and most of it is familiar, but the walls aren't. There are pictures and drawings that say 'I Love You' covering every inch of the wall. Alex must notice me staring at everything on the wall.

"It's from YouTube." Alex says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Austin and I make videos and put them up on YouTube."


"Austin's the one who wanted to start making videos. He just asked if I wanted to too, and I said yes." Alex clarifies.

"What's with the signs that say 'I Love You' on them?" I asked still confused on that part.

"Our fans send us stuff and we put everything on our walls."


"What movie do you want to watch?" Alex says changing the subject. But my mind is still on that he makes YouTube videos and has fans.

"Oh, umm... I don't know."

"Comedy obviously." Alex says.

"Obviously!" I say.

"How about 50 First Dates?" Alex suggests.

"Yeah, that's a good movie."

"I'll go make some popcorn before I start the movie." Alex says as he leaves his room.


While Alex is gone, I keep on looking at everything on his walls. I must have zoned out while looking because the next thing I knew, Alex tapped me on my shoulder while in his other hand is a bowl of popcorn.

"Ready to watch the movie?" Alex asks.

"Uh, yeah. I was just-" I say as Alex interrupts me.

"Looking at the fan drawings?" Alex interrupts.

"umm... yeah" I admit.

"It's okay. Let's watch the movie now."


As we are watching the movie, I start to get cold, so Alex hands me a blanket. I feel like nothing has changed while we watch this movie. My eyes start to stay closed longer each time I blink and I soon fall asleep to the sound of the movie playing.


(This chapter is a little longer than the others. Should I keep doing chapters this long or longer? Comment what yu think about the story so far. Comment any suggestions. Since this is my first story, I want feedback on what to change and what to keep doing. Thank you for reading my story! Share it with your friends to if you want! :))


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