Chapter 2

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"Addi?" Alex says with wonder.

I quickly walk to the exit not even glancing at Alex and the boys. As i walk out of Starbucks, I hope no one is following me. I decide to turn around for a second, and to my relief, I was alone.


I get back to my house and there is bout five minutes until noon time. So I decide to go onto my computer and check Twitter again before i leave for school registration. When I log onto Twitter, I notice one of my friend's has re tweeted a tweet from Alex.


'Seeing people you used to be best friends with kills some people on the inside and others brush it off.'

As soon as I read it I know this tweet is about me. I can't help but think about what Alex was thinking when he saw me. Was it killing him inside, or did he just brush it off? I decide to close my computer and drive down to school to register for junior year. But I can't get Alex's tweet out of my head.

'Seeing people you used to be best friends with kills some people on the inside and others brush it off.'

School is only five minutes away by car, so it doesn't take me that long. Which is good because then I can get my mind off of Alex's tweet.

As I pull into the school parking lot, I notice a red Range Rover parked. I know that must be Austin's car. The boys must have taken his car to Starbucks then to the school.

I think about leaving and coming back in an hour when I know they will not be here. But I decide against it. If I see them, I just have to ignore them.

I am taken out of my long thoughts about the boys when I hear two familiar voices call my name, "ADDI!!"

I turn around and see my two best friends running towards me. "JENN!! ANDREA!!" I scream back to them.

We walk inside the school together and get in line to get our schedules.

"I'm so excited for junior year!" Jenn exclaims, "It's the first year we can drive ourselves to school!"

"I know! No more annoying our parents asking for rides!" I say excitedly.

"I'm just excited to graduate in two years!" Andrea exclaims.

We talk for a few more minutes while in line to get our schedules.

The line is moving pretty quick. I decide to look to the front of the line to see how many students are in front of us. But When I look upfront, I notice the boys getting their schedules. I quickly stop looking before one of the boys turns around and sees me. But it's too late when I see Austin turn around. We make eye contact for few seconds before I turn myself around. I'm hoping that none of them come over to my friends and I.


(Thank you for reading my fanfiction! This is my first one. So it's not the best. Comment if the chapters should be longer, ideas for the next chapter, etc. I want some feedback on how it is. :))

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