Chapter 3

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*Austin's P.O.V*

"Dude, this girl was staring at us!" I tell the guys.

"What? Who?" Zach asks so curiously.

"Over there, in the pink tank top." I show him trying to point to her with out her noticing.

"That's Addi!!" Alex exclaims.

"Who?" I am really confused.

"Our best friend since the third grade!" Robert jumps in.

"Why haven't I seen you guys with her for the past two years then?"

"She stopped hanging out with us two years ago. And I don't know why." Alex says his eyes starting to get watery.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

*Addi's P.O.V*

"I'm bored! How much longer until we can get our schedules?" Jenn asks.

"We just got in line five minutes ago, Jenn!" I tell her.

"Well, it feels like so much longer!"

"We are almost to the front of the line." Andrea informs Jenn.

"Okay, we better be!" Jenn pretends to sound annoyed.

"Hey Addi, I just saw this guy at the front of the line point to you!" Andrea says excited.

"Who?" I say pretty excited too.

"That guy with the black beanie on! Who is he?"

"I don't know who you're tal-" As I turn around I notice she's talking about Austin.

"So, who is he?" Andrea asks again.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do! I saw your eyes grow wide when you turned around! So who he?!" Andrea really wants me to talk.

"Okay, fine. His name is Austin." I give in.

"And..." she obviously wants to hear more.

"That's all I know."

"Really? I think you know more then that!"

"The only other thing I know about him is his last name! And that he became friends with Alex, Robert and Zach when he moved here two years ago!"

"Oh. Well what's his last name?"


"Oh. And that's all you know?"

"Yes! That is all I know!"

By the time we finish talking about Austin, we are at the front of the line and he and Alex, Zach and Robert are long gone. Thank god. We all gt our schedules and get out of line so we can see what classes we have. We trade our schedules with each other. I notice that there is not one class similar to Jenn or Andrea on my schedule.

"Why don't I have any classes with you guys?" I ask confused.

"I don't know. We all signed up for the same classes to take like we always do!" Jenn says sounding confused.

"But I don't have any of those classes on my schedule!"

"Well, what lunch do you have?" Andrea asks.

"2nd." I say in hope that we at least have lunch together.

"At least we will see each other at lunch!" Jenn says more happily then before.

"Yeah, I guess."


After we got our schedules I decided to go home right away instead of hanging out with Jenn and Andrea. I wasn't in the best mood knowing that I have no classes with either of them. It is now 6:30 so I decide to make myself a grilled cheese for dinner since my parents are working late today. As soon as I am about to take a bite of my sandwich, there is a know at the door. I'm wondering who it could be as I walk to the door. As I open the door, I am surprised at who it is.


Thank you for reading! I hope ou are enjoing the story so far! Is the story good so far? Comment if it's good, what I could change, any ideas that you might want in the story, etc. And tell your friends to read it if you think it's good! Also, I'm probably going to get on the schedule of updating Mondays and Fridays.


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