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🌈Chapter 8🌈


I closed my locker and raised a brow, turned my head and stared at Danny, her expression filled with anger. Smoke was coming from her pierced ears as she approached me.

I shook my head and mumbled from underneath my breath. "My name's Alexandre not Alejandro."

"¡No me lo puedo creer, eres de lo peor!"
(I can't believe it, you're the worst!)

My eyes narrowed at two students that turned our way, they flinched and rushed down the halls.

"What have I done this time?" I put my hands in my pockets and leaned on the lockers, looking at my bestfriend with a smug expression.

She groaned loudly and took a step forward, grabbed my shirt and stared deeply into my eyes.

"Oh I don't know--"

She rolled her eyes and curved her lips into a fake smile.

"How about 'you forgot to pick me up, so I had to run all the way here'. I honestly wouldn't have gotten this mad if it hadn't started fucking RAINING!" She crossed her arms around her chest and raised her chin so she could glare at me.

Her light green eyes bored into mine, a sudden cold chill crept down my spine and I couldn't help but look away from my best friend.

I pulled a blank expression and shrugged.

"Forgot, sorry."

As soon as I said this Danny exploded and started yelling at me.

"¡Hijo de la grandísima puta! Para que sepas lo he pasado fatal corriendo hasta aquí. Además, me he calado y ahora mi cara parece un cuadro de Picasso."
(You son of a bitch, just so you know, I had a harsh time coming here! I'm soaking wet! And now, my face looks like a Picasso painting!)

Danny stomped away from me, pushed some students on her way and yelled nasty things in spanish as she went by.

I rolled my eyes. "It's just some water jeez."

I grabbed my bag and grabbed my earphones and phone and put a random song, a sly smirk curved onto my lips as soon as I heard the lyrics.

My footsteps echoed through the now empty halls. I hummed along the lyrics.

Ignoring Mrs Hugh, I walked to the back of the classroom, not bothered to take my earphones off, I left them on and lowered the volume.

I mumbled the lyrics as I took some notes.

I felt a light tap on my left shoulder, I turned my head slightly to the side and glanced  at the person next to me.

"Hi, Alex."

I lowered my head, ashamed, the events from last time replayed through my mind and I felt my cheeks get warmer.


"Uh, hi, um I was wondering if you'd mind if I sat down next to you.." Noah scratched the back of his neck and blushed slightly, his cheeks turned a slight baby pink color.

Feeling a little light headed, I nodded dumbly and moved to the side.

A shy smile curved onto Noah's baby pink pouty lips as he mouthed a 'Thank you' as he sat down next to me.

I nervously bounced my leg up and down, stared at the clock that sat in the middle of the wall, and begged for the time to pass faster.

It didn't.

I sighed in defeat and lowered my head in my hands, I ran a hand through my hair and breathed heavily.

My eyes drifted to the clock, one minute had passed. A groaned escaped my throat.

"It feels like an eternity, doesn't it?"

My eyes widened as my mouth parted in surprise, I turned my head and stared at Noah.

He was wearing black glasses that made him look even more apealing, his eyes stared forward but they fluttered and now, he was staring at me.

His honey brown eyes stared at my hazel ones, his pouty lips curved into a sly smirk as his thin brows raised themselves in a taunting manner.

"Why don't you take a picture, Alex? It'll last longer."

The side of my lips curved upwards and I shook my head.

"I would but that'd mean I'd have to take my eyes off you."

Noah's eyes widened slightly at my comment and his lips parted, his cheeks became a pink and his brows curved onto a thin line, his expression changed completely.

He whispered something underneath his breath, turned his head to the side and once again, stared forward.

I furrowed my brows and curved my lip.

Had I done something wrong?

A buzzing sound interrupted my thoughts, I raised a brow and grabbed my phone.

My eyes widened slightly at the message, my lips became dry as I looked around the classroom, I closed my eyes shut and switched off my phone.

Sent to: Alex. From: Unknown

Can't you keep your hands to yourself? Not only one but two


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