Mark Of The Ultimate Chosen

585 11 28
  • Dedicated to Marquita Tobben

Sky slammed the door on her Ford Explorer and ran quickly through the falling snow to get to her office. The sun was out but it was still pretty dim outside because of all the clouds in the sky. Dim and depressing. She pushed the office door open and slipped in a puddle in front of the door slipping and sliding until finally she landed hard on her butt. From where she was sitting she could see her boss's angry foot tapping away. The way it did when somebody was about to get fired.

"I'm sorry." Sky breathed. " I didn't mean to be late. The weather's really bad and..."

"Save it, Deskarga. The world cannot wait for you."

"I swear it won't happen again!" Sky promised. Sky Deskarga pushed her wavy black hair behind her ears. Her green eyes sparkled with the promise of future tears.

"Oh, I'm most assured it won't happen again, Deskarga. Because you are fired!"


"Just pack your things and be on your way, Deskarga."

She took the few things she had kept on her desk and slipped them into her purse. Before leaving she turned back to look at her boss. He waited for her to say something.

"You know what," Sky turned on him, "I don't need this stupid job, anyway. I've been planning to quit since my second day. So, why don't you just take this stupid job and shove it up your ass where it really belongs. Oh, and give my regards to Amanda who should have been fired a long time ago. She never even does her work! But we all know she was using you to sleep her way to the top. You people disgust me."

She stepped back out the door and into the snow once again. Her legs were freezing under her skirt which was wet thanks to her fall in the puddle. Does it get any worse than this? she thought as she walked back to her Ford Explorer.

As if to answer her question a car drove by skimming a puddle of slush and covering what little of her legs were dry in the nasty stuff. Great. Perfect. Wonderful. This day just couldn't get any better.

Now here she was boyfriend-less, job-less, and covered in slush. "I'm soaking wet and it's late November. My clothes are ruined. I'll probably get influenza." she mumbled to herself.

"Gee, lady. Don't you know people are going to think you're crazy if you keep talkin' ta yerself?" a boy asked her.

"Don't push me. I'm already half way there! And shouldn't you be in school?" The boy didn't respond, just walked off. That's when Sky noticed that a ball of paper landed at her feet. She kicked it away. People were always littering in this city. After thinking that she realized how hypocritical she was being and snatched up the paper, crumpled it up with a vengence and slam dunked it into the nearest trash can. The whole time she was crumpling the paper she was imagining it was her boss's head, so it did give here a little satisfaction.

She was almost to the parking lot when another ball of paper landed at her feet. This time she picked it up and looked around yelling, "Hello, do I look like a trash can?" After a few odd glances from people passing by, she decided that this road may lead to a nice padded room, so being curious and having nothing to lose, she unfolded the paper and read it. "Meet me behind the pizzeria on Croire St. at 7:30." Sky read out loud.

"This can't be for me. I mean. I don't know anybody." She mumbled searching the faces in the busy city crowd to see if someone else might be looking for the note. She hadn't even seen where it had come from. Didn't see the person who tossed it.

Nobody seemed to care about Sky and her note. Oh well, she thought, maybe it was meant for me. She shoved it into her pocket and ran to her Ford Explorer.

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