Chapter 3 - Xavier

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"Come on, Stella. Get in." Sky pushed the passenger door open in hopes her sister wouldn't take all day entering the vehicle. Sky wasn't sure if Stella was just slow or she was too impatient. It might have been a little bit of both. "What are you waiting for? Christmas? I don't want to be late. I want to arrive first."

"And at this rate you'll be early to your own funeral." Stella smirked as she buckled herself in.

"You're such a smart ass." Sky responded.

"I learned from the best."

Sky had abandoned her interview outfit at home in favor of more casual clothes, not that you could tell much difference once she had put her coat, hat, and scarf back on. Her black hair was down and she had applied a generous amount of make-up to her face. This wasn't usual for Sky who always went with little or no make-up. The practical thing to do. Once she had waved that mascara wand she was normally done. It was just enough to bring out her emerald green eyes.

"What's with all the make-up?" Stella asked. Stella was Sky's spitting image. Even though she didn't act anything like her. At five feet and four inches Stella was taller than Sky, one of the very few differences. She also wore more make-up than Sky usually did, with the exception of today.

"It's because you don't want the guy to recognize you if he sees you again and he turns out to be some creepy weirdo stalker or something?"

"That's right, because you know I never wear make-up so he will never be able find me. Now stop it! You're creeping me out."

"What about me? With all that make-up on you look like I usually do! He might just think I'm you and then attack me."

"Stella, you're being a weirdo. Now stop. If I thought this was going to be someone that scary we wouldn't be going in the first place."


Xavier Vincent, a man of less than average height stood waiting on Croire St. for the young woman he had tossed the note to. Xavier had black hair from some Italian roots in his family and less-than-noticeable gray eyes.

He was on a mission. A mission he didn't want to be on. Oh, how he hated to be the messenger. He also hated that phrase, "to kill the messenger," because that's how he always seemed to end up in situations he didn't want to be in. Awkward situations. Maybe I'll just tell The Master to do his own work from now on, Xavier thought. Even though he was really just blowing smoke.

Ah, it is time, he thought as he recognized the girl coming around the corner. He was sweating buckets and hoping that she didn't recognize him and hadn't seen him when he had tossed that note earlier.

Sky stopped when she saw Xavier, a man who despite his above-average but not exactly handsome good looks wouldn't have looked out of place in a gang.

"Are you-?" Sky began but Xavier interrupted her.

"Yes. I invited you here." he said, reaching out for her hand. When she didn't offer it he put his own in his pocket as he looked her up and down. She didn't look like a chosen, much less The Ultimate Chosen.

Maybe The Master had sent him for the wrong girl. Or maybe he had sent the note to the wrong girl. But, no, because if that had been the case The Master would have corrected him by now. He would not have wanted to take the risk of a mortal who wasn't involved finding out about the secret ninja world.

"My name is Xavier Vincent. And if you ever tell anyone I shall have to kill you." he said. He really wasn't good at making jokes.

"Yikes. I'm getting out of here." Sky said, turning on her heel.

"I'm with you." Stella squeaked as she followed her older sister.

"I told you this was a bad idea."

"You told me, Sky? You told me? You were all excited and ready to go. You said, 'Oh, he won't be a creeper.'"

"Well, you probably thought it would be some hot guy!"

"Well, he isn't bad looking, either! So I was partly right!" Stella argued.

"Girls. It was a joke. Please come back." he said, following them. They didn't stop to listen. They ran faster and jumped into Sky's vehicle. Xavier held the driver's door open after they had both jumped in. He had just got Sky to come here. He wasn't about to let her go now.

"I'm sorry. I have a terrible sense of humor. Look, I need you to come with me. You are one of the chosen!" he said.

"No, I think you need to listen to me. You're creepy and you need to get lost." Sky said.

She kicked him but he was fairly strong and stood his ground next to the car door. He simply grabbed her leg and held it.

"Now, let's not resort to violence." Xavier said.

"I wouldn't have to if you would just get out of my car." Sky yelled. She jerked her leg back and shoved her key in the ignition. But the vehicle just wouldn't start.

Dammit. The car wasn't starting. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Stupid Explorer! This was supposed to be a good vehicle! Sure, she had bought it second hand, from her father, no less, but Sky never would have bought a vehicle unless she thought it was good. She was sensible after all.

She should have known better. But she was always a little bit tight with her money and he had only charged her a hundred dollars for it. While she didn't want to have to give her father money for anything, she also didn't want to spend a whole lot. The vehicle had worked very well at the time she bought it, too. It was well maintained and it rarely broke down.

"Please, Sky." Xavier begged.

Sky was searching for a way out but she didn't see one so she made an offer, "I'll go with you under one condition."

"And what is this condition?" Xavier asked. At this point he would be lucky if he hadn't ruined the entire operation and got banished by The Master so he would take what he could get.

"Leave my sister alone."

"Sky, we are not interested in your sister. What we want is you."

"Take me then." Sky said stepping out of the car.

"No. Sky. Don't. It's a trap! Don't do it, Sky. Please." Stella pleaded, visibly shaking with tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Look." Xavier said as he helped (more like pulled) Sky out of the car.

"Sky isn't going to get hurt. In fact, if everything goes well she will be home in time for dinner. So just go home and relax. Nothing bad is going to happen to your sister."

"Well, if you don't bring her home I'm going to kill you." Stella warned. And that was not just a threat. It was a promise.

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