71 Reasons Bubbline/GumLee is Canon

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The episode “What Was Missing” is the only episode of Adventure Time to date that has ever been deemed “controversial.”  The reason for this is because it has largely been accused of possessing lesbian subtext between the characters of Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. Some conservatives have even requested it be banned b/c of this.

The song “I’m Just your Problem” can easily be interpreted as a song about two lovers who once had a relationship but broke up, despite at least one wanting to get back together.

 We know Marceline and Bubblegum had a falling out before the series began. One could interpret that they were friends who had a fight, however as they are still friends it is much more likely to have been a romantic spat.

The song “I’m just your problem”   includes sexually suggestive lyrics.

Princess Bubblegum is the only character to have ever made Marceline blush, which she has done—multiple times.

When Marceline and Princess Bubblegum have a fight, Marceline cries, something she never does.

Marceline’s dialogue in general can be rather flirtatious, but especially when talking to Princess Bubblegum.

In the episode “Go With Me” Marceline intentionally gives Finn bad advice about how to ask out PB so that he does not get a date with her.

The episode establishes she has no romantic interest in Finn, and as she generally tries to help Finn when he comes to her for advice, the fact that for once she purposefully tried to sabotage his plan strongly seems to suggest she doesn’t want Princess Bubblegum to date Finn b/c she wants to date PB.

Marceline also flirts with PB in this episode, further supporting this theory.

Incidentally, this episode marks the first time we ever see the two interact. 

In the episode Sky Witch, the usually cool and collected Marceline is very bashful when asking PB to go on a journey with her.  In fact, her behavior is very reminiscent of a shy person trying to ask their crush out for the first time. Hmm…

Marceline practically jumps for joy when PB agrees.

Possibly in an attempt to regain her composure, Marceline makes a sexually flirtatious  double entendre when talking to PB.

Marceline’s dialogue is often laced with innuendo when speaking with PB.

When PB learns Marceline only needed help finding her teddy bear, although she acts annoyed she still helps her find Hambo, rather than turning back to her duties.

Marceline gave PB a t-shirt from a concert they both attended that she wears to bed every night, and sniffs it fondly when she wakes up in the morning.

When Marceline found out PB still had that shirt, and liked it so much—because it was from Marceline—she blushed.

PB has a photo of her and Marcy laughing with their arms wrapped around each other in her closet, which can be interpreted as a visual double entendre: That they’re both in the closet about their feelings for one another.

When Maja the sky witch tells PB the only way to get Marcy Hambo back is to give her something of equal sentimental value, PB gives her the t-shirt.

It should be noted Hambo was Marcy’s only companion shortly after the bomb, yet the shirt Marcy gave PB is somehow more sentimental than that…

When PB sniffs the shirt earlier, she practically inhales it; that’s how much it means to her. 

She never does this for any of her other gifts.

71 Reasons Bubbline/GumLee is CanonWhere stories live. Discover now