- 5 Interlocked

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That was enough of an agreement. Jeongguk changes his road and goes in the opposite direction, driving up to a house he has in a small neighborhood in Seoul. Jeongguk doesn’t think he can last long, especially with Taehyung’s hand still on his thigh and little self-control he has left, only backed by his brain’s need to act rational right now. It doesn’t take long – even if it felt like an eternity – but Jeongguk eventually pulls up into his yard and doesn’t even bother to park his car in the garage, even with a lot of snow falling at the moment.

He decides to regret that the next day and immediately gets out of the car, waiting for Taehyung to approach him before grabbing his hand and dragging him to his house.

“J-Jeonggukkie, wait, it’s slippery and–” Taehyung says, but then makes a startled sound as he trips and falls to the side of the marble road that leads to Jeongguk’s house. By holding the younger’s hand, Jeongguk ends up falling over Taehyung and they pant for a moment as they find each other covered in snow and on the ground.

Taehyung laughs suddenly, something booming from his chest and Jeongguk giggles, leaning his head down until it rests on Taehyung’s chest and he can feel his heartbeat thump in his ears. His hands reach up and wind themselves up in Taehyung’s, fingers interlocking and they stay silent for moment, just like that.

Jeongguk looks up suddenly when he feels Taehyung shift beneath him and he meets Taehyung’s eyes – now a bit hooded and glossy – lip between his teeth as he was almost expecting something. Jeongguk leans in and first places a kiss on Taehyung’s jaw. It’s not much, just a light press and ghost of his lips over the skin, but it’s enough to make Taehyung whine.

The younger male licks his lips at the sound, then moves up and stares down at Taehyung, seeing how his glasses crooked on his nose, and his beret had fallen in the snow, blond hair around his head like a halo. “Beautiful,” Jeongguk breathes out before he even realizes, Taehyung’s cheeks flushing red like a high school girl kissing her boyfriend for the first time. Jeongguk finally leans down and connects their lips together.

Taehyung’s arms shoot up, first gripping Jeongguk’s arms and feeling them up (he whines into Jeongguk’s mouth as he feels muscles there, oh god), before his hands move up to Jeongguk’s brown hair and he grips his nape with one hand, using his other to grip his hair. He tugs backwards and Jeongguk’s pulled back from the kiss, hazy eyes looking down at him with nothing but desire.

His lips are shiny and red and Taehyung rises up to kiss him again, but quickly pulling away. “Fuck me, please,” he moans brokenly and Jeongguk growls against his lips, kissing him again and his hands are gripping Taehyung’s waist way too perfectly.

When a light breeze hits, Jeongguk pulls back. “Let’s get inside,” he pants and Taehyung just nods. Until he said that, he really didn’t notice the pain in his lower back from the coldness of the snow and he was rather sensitive to anything of low temperature.

Jeongguk stands up first and before Taehyung can stand to his feet, Jeongguk is leaning down and – oh god, someone help him – he picks up Taehyung bridal style, one arm hooking under his knees and one supporting his back. Taehyung is realizing he might have somewhat of a muscle kink, considering how aroused he is beginning to feel just from Jeongguk carrying him like this.

He rests his head on Jeongguk’s shoulder and he realizes his glasses are gone – but who even cares right now? He nips on Jeongguk’s neck and he hears the younger groan a little, bouncing Taehyung in his arms in an attempt to make him stop, but it only makes Taehyung laugh. And also shift in arousal, once the realization of how light he must be to Jeongguk settles down. He becomes needier.

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