Daring Escape

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'Test'= Matthew speaking in dragon form, or thinking, but I will specify thinking

"Test"= Starlight talking

(Just something that I felt was needed for you guys)

I was wandering around the room, getting used to my dragon form. At first I didn't know how to walk properly, but after a little bit I got better, and I even got to running, though it isn't fast as well. I will admit though, I may of tripped, a lot.

Next I tried practicing flying with my wings. At first I couldn't even get off the ground. Starlight was guiding me through, and he was an okay teacher, though he did find it funny to prank me with the teaching occasionally, as in, making go in very odd and very uncomfortable positions, not fun, kinda funny more when I think about it.

I finally ended up being able to get of the ground, then got carried away, and banged my head against the ceiling. I fell to the ground and tripped my head. 'Oowwwwwww.'

"Well, that's what you get for being carried away, you always gotta be careful when you're flying Matthew"

'Yeah yeah, that doesn't change the fact that it hurt.'

"Oh quit your complaining, you gotta get better at flying or you'll never be able to escape"

'Okay, So the plan is melt the doors with fire breath that I don't even know if I have, and what just walk on out then fly home?'

"Of course not dummy, you melt the doors and fight your way up, because let's face it, they're gonna put up a fight, you're gonna get some wounds, that's a given, get out, fly to the nearest town, turn back to normal then contact the police"

'And what can the police do, there's no evidence, we can't do anything at all!'

"Calm down, humans are weird creatures"

'You act like you aren't part human'

"Fair point"

'So, when do we start our, uh, escape plan'

"Well, would now be a good time? Are you being watched?"

'I don't think so, at least as far as I know, okay, I'll go up and uh, how do I spit out fire?'

"Focus on your chest and imagine it heating up, then imagine releasing it all at once"

So I walked up to the door, then shut my eyes, still in dragon form. I visualized my chest and it heating up like Starlight suggested. I felt my chest actually heat up. I got distracted by it though and it went away.

"Focus, the second you get distracted it leaves you, you'll get better at it once you get used to it"

I shut my eyes once again and imagined my chest getting warmer and warmer. This time I didn't get distracted by my chest heating up.

"Now, imagine yourself blasting all that heat out of your mouth"

I imagined the heat in my chest flowing out with my breath. I took a deep breath. The shot it out of my mouth, imagining the heat going with it.

The heat rose from my chest and flowed from my chest up my neck and out of my mouth. The heat normally probably would of burned the inside of a regular person's mouth to the point where it didn't exist anymore.

The heat lasted leaving my mouth for a good solid 30 seconds. I opened my eyes to see what happened.

What I saw shocked me. It worked even better then Starlight and I expected. The hole in the door was 3 inches deep and also went through the other door. The hole could easily allow me to get through it.

"Well? what are you waiting for doofus run"

'Oh shut up'

I slipped through the holes in the door and stepped into the hallways. The hallways were like my room, eggshell white, though they were designed with blue stripes decorated around the walls. I dove into the nearest room to keep myself hidden. I shut my eyes and imagined myself as my normal form. Once I shifted back I looked in the room I was in. It was a room of shipping crates.

'Maybe one of them has something useful' I thought. I went to one crate labeled in big red paint "CLASSIFIED."

Now, I have no idea what I was thinking at the time. I smashed the top of the wooden crate open.

What I saw in there made me nearly puke. It disgusted me to the very core.

Inside the wooden crate, was the head of a dragon. Severed from the body. The head was sliced open and you could see the inside of the head. The worst part though was the smell. The smell of dried blood. The sickening iron tang in the air.

I turned away, not able to look at it any more. I walked over to another crate labeled Classified and smashed it open. It had the exact same thing.

I turned away from it the moment I saw it. 'Where the hell are they getting these thing?' I thought. The smell became to much to bear.

"This is to disgusting, we need to get out of this room, it's to horrible to stay in here"

'I agree with you' I thought

I open the door and look down the hall to see if anyone was around. Thankfully no one was. I got out of the room and took a right and began running down the hall.

I didn't really know where I was going. All I knew was that I had to keep moving, I couldn't stop.

I took a few turns down the hallways until...




'Shit they know we've escape' I thought. At first I was confused at how easily I just, accepted, an odd, supposed to be "other half" of my soul. And not just some voice I was hearing in my head.

"That makes this all the more important to be cautious and move around quie-"

"IT'S THE CHILD, GET HIM!!" I hear from behind me

As soon as I hear that I bolted and turned into the next hall as fast as I could.

"Or that could happen"

'Nawwww, we totally thought we'd get out scott free, not like it was a part of the plan at all' I shot back at him through my thoughts

"Okay you didn't need the sarcasm"

'Yes I did'

"Fine, you did"

I continued to run down the hall. That's when a sickening CRACK, burst through the air. Pain flared in my arm as I turned to the right.

I looked at my arm to see part of my shirt blasted through and my arm bleeding. I was fricken shot!

At first I was to shocked to do anything other then run. Then I shook my head, and grimaced in pain.

'Part of the plan, part of the plan'

I turned once more and found myself in a vast room. Chairs and what seemed like a desk with two glass doors on the other side of the room. 'Wait a second, I remember this place, this is the entrance to the lab!' I thought

"Well don't just stand there run!!"

I bolted to the glass doors and slammed them open. As fast as I could, I shifted into a dragon and flew into the sky.

'We did it, WE'RE FREE!!!!'

I begin to turn in the air, just randomly out of pure joy. Then... CRACK. A pain seared through my entire right wing. I looked to see that my right wing was shot right though, and I began to fall right to the ground.

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