Can you hear me? (Juuzou x deaf reader)

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Your P.O.V

People would say that its a curse to be born deaf, that the unfortunate soul who couldn't hear would live a terrible life. But it wasn't really ever like that, in my opinion being deaf is peaceful. You don't have to listen to the arguments going on around you, if someone is insulting you, well you can't hear them so it never brings you down. You don't get distracted in exams by pencils tapping or the sighing of students. In result i have quite a good life good grades, good food, i'm living comfortably but sometimes just sometimes i wish i could hear the voices of my friends or how my parents would say, 'i love you' to me, that's probably one of the worst things about being deaf.

It was night time and i was trying to hurry home because of the ghouls that would roam around, my reason for being late home was because i was at the doctors, they are trying to make a hearing aid specifically for me so i could at least faintly hear what others are trying to say. Someone poked my arm just as i got to my apartment, i sighed and turned around, "..............." His mouth was moving but i couldn't hear his voice, i rummaged around in my purse and got out my white board marker and white board and wrote, "i am deaf, i can't hear you." I showed him the board and gave him a moment to read it, he nodded and i gave him the board and marker, he wrote something and showed me, "ok well i'm Juuzou i just wanted to tell you that you dropped your keys." He held out my house keys and i took them smiling, he also handed my board back, "thank you Juuzou." I wrote, he nodded and left. I walked in my apartment and sighed.

Not able to hear things like my house keys dropping is going to get me killed one day i swear. I started to get ready for bed, it was still unusual to not hear distance noises even though i've been deaf for my whole life i always imaged how people or objects sound like, maybe how clothes would rustle together or how the school bell would make an ear piercing ring. Tears started to go down my face as i doubted that i would ever hear something. I unpacked my board from my purse and noticed some tiny scribble in the corner it said, "call me." It also had a number, Juuzou maybe. I got under my covers and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning

Juuzou's P.O.V

I hoped that the women i bumped into last night was alright, i mean like, what would it be like feel like to not be able to hear anything at all, sounds like a curse. Did a ghoul do that to her or was she born like that? I had given her my number but i've gotten no texts or calls oh well work calls what ghouls can i kill today! I got up and did my daily routine, as i walked out of my house i felt a vibration in my pocket from my phone,

Unkown: "hey i'm the girl who dropped her keys, my names Y/N, is this Juuzou?"

Juuzou: "yeah it is, i was wondering if i put my number to small to see."

Y/N: "nah i just didn't see it until i got into the light, though i don't know why you said call me, i'm deaf remember?"

Juuzou: "oh yeah probably should've put text me instead."

Y/N: "no biggie. Anyway are you doing anything today?"

Juuzou: "yeah i was just about to head to work my shift ends at 5."

Y/N: "wanna hang when your shift ends?"

Juuzou: "sure! Where do you wanna go?"

Y/N: "How about the park near the square?"

Juuzou: "Sure, i'll meet you there."

Y/N: "ok byee!"

Juuzou: "see ya."

This will be kind of fun to see Y/N again, i'm looking forward to our da- meet-up yup thats what i meant meet-up.

Your P.O.V

Even though Juuzou and I only just met and barely know anything about each other I still want to look nice to go out in public. I changed into a knee high dress, light pink flats and did some light make-up. I put my whiteboard and marker into my purse as well as my keys, wallet, phone and my drawing pad. I headed out to the park even though it was still hours to go until we meet up, i just wanted to do some drawing before hand.

When it hit 5:15p.m

I was still waiting for Juuzou to arrive at the park but since he had only just finished work he might be kept in or travelling home or already walking or running here. I saw a flash of white hair and knew it was Juuzou, for some reason i smiled. He arrived at the bench and i waved, we talked on the board for a while before it was time for us to go home.

Days later

The doctors had finished making the hearing aid and i was exited to say the least, i put it in and the doctor said something to me, "can you hear me Y/N?" I nodded exited, "ok can you say something?" Even though i was deaf it was hard to understand how to talk but i got the gist of it, "i can hear everything!" He chuckled and released me. The dirst thing i thought of was to text Juuzou,

Y/N: "Juuzou are you free right now it's really important!"

Juuzou: "yes i'm free why?"

Y/N: "ok hang on."

Juuzou's p.o.v

Y/N: "ok hang on."

What did she mean by that, i admit i'm a bit exited, even over the text she seemed really happy, i froze, Y/N was calling me, but she can't hear anything why is she calling me, i answered it.

Y/N: "Juuzou!"

I had never heared her voice before it sounded so beautiful and angelic.

Juuzou: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "yeah Juuzou?"

Wait, she responded can she hear me.

Juuzou: "y-you can hear me!?!"

Y/N: "yes! The doctors finished the hearing aid for me, i can hear Juuzou, i can finally hear!" 

Tears of happiness slowly went down my cheeks, i was so happy for Y/N i had grown feelings for her and wanted to tell her, this was the right moment.

Juuzou: "Y/N i've been wanting to do this for a while and i belive that this is the right time."

Y/N: "what is it Juuzou?"

Juuzou: "i have really strong feelings for you. Y/N will you please go out with me and be my girlfriend?"


I grinned from ear to ear, my day could not get any better.

Who knew that i would find true happiness when finding out that a girl could hear again.

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