Workaholic (juuzou x reader)

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Your P.O.V

I was still sitting at my desk doing some paperwork that wasn't due until next week, thing is i was already done this weeks paper work so i thought if i started next weeks paperwork i would be ahead. Thats what happens every week i'm always doing work, hardly spend any time at home other that to sleep or eat and of course do some paper work at home. People call me a workaholic but i just think that i like to get things done sooner rather than later.

It was about 9:00p.m and i was about halfway through next weeks paperwork before stopping to have a break when i realised there was only one other person in the room with me, Juuzou was his name and i had heard about him and how good his fighting skills were, 'he's also kind of cute,' he caught me starting and took that as an invitation to come over, "hello there!" He spoke in this sing song voice, "hello, why are you here so late?" He smiled and took a seat across from me, "i could ask you the same thing, i was just staying here because i'm supposed to write this stupid thing before tomorrow but I don't get it." I chuckled a little, "i'm just doing some of next weeks paperwork. If you want i can help you?" He grinned at me, "really that would be awesome thanks-" he looked for a sign to find my name, "Y/N L/N." He put out his hand and i shook it, "thanks Y/N-chan!"

We had finished the paper he was supposed to write, it was a report of how he has been going with his new job killing the ghouls, Juuzou said it was fun but the ghouls die so quickly so he gets to have no fun with them. I went to my fridge and got out some two minute noodles, 'good enough i'm too tired to make a full meal,' as i finished making the noodles there was a knock on my door and i scowled at it. I opened the door to reveal Juuzou, "hiya Y/N-chan!" I stood there with a kinda mixed expression of horrified, shocked and surprised, "Juuzou.....i never told you where i live please don't tell me you followed me home." He nodded and just walked in the house like it was his, "yeah i did but on the way i got some actual food, i looked through your window and saw you take out some noodles." I was beyond flabbergasted as his behaviour.

We finished our food and i thanked Juuzou for actually getting it, "ya know its getting late Juuzou how far are you from your home?" He thought for a moment before shrugging, "i dont know maybe about 30 minutes." I sighed, "do you want to just stay here for the night then?" He did buy me dinner i guess its the least i could do for him," he smiled happily, "really! Thank you Y/N-chan!" He came up and tackled me in a hug i started to blush, "i-its fine don't mention it." I showed him the spare room and he jumped onto the bed where-as i went to my study and continued to do some work not really feeling that tired yet. There was a knock at the door, "come in!" I knew it was Juuzou already, "why are you still up and not asleep?" I continued to write down words as i replied with a, "i'm not tired yet." There were no other seats so Juuzou just sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall.

It was growing near 11:30p.m and i was still continuing with my work, though it wasn't at a fast pace and i kept yawning every so often, "Y/N-chann go too bed I'm tiredd!" I shook my head, "no *yawn* if your tired then just go to bed yourself *yawn*" he pouted at me, "your obviously tired as well. If your not going to bed then i'm gonna make you go to bed by force." I mentally groaned what the hell is he talking about. Suddenly my body was lifted off the seat and Juuzou was running to the spare room giggling like a maniac. I was thrown onto the bed then shortly after Juuzou jumped on my, "now sleep!" We both got more comfortable with Juuzou still trapping me and soon enough i drifted off to sleep.

A light kiss was planted on my forehead and cheek,

"I love you Y/N sleep tight."

776 words

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