Actress and Actor

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(Shirayuki and Zen have kinda switched personalities in this and it's a modern AU. Also please read it, it took me a looooong time to finish this)

Shirayuki was a world known actor, she was always very kind towards her fans and was often described as a ray of sunshine and hope. All her enemies were truly just jealous of her and she knew better than to get involved. She was extremely extroverted and confident in the job she has had for 4 years maybe.

Whenever she played in a comedy even behind the scenes she would make everyone laugh. When she played drama she would always remember her words and made everything so realistic. Even in romance which she didn't absolutely adore but kept on getting roles as the main female she gave it her best.

But no one realised how lonely she felt inside. All her friends slowly faded away as she didn't have much time or they didn't bother to go to such lengths like hide from paparazzi or fly to her to see her. She never experienced a real relationship, she didn't even dare to try and date a co star away from the spotlight. She was never interested in any man truly. Even when they tried, even when her manager told her to date someone for publicity she said no but that was the reason people liked her, because she never tried to be fake towards them. Which is kind of ironic since she is an actress.

The only thing she covered up were her true feelings of loneliness. She felt the characters feelings so well, maybe because she learnt to push hers aside.

Today was the first day of rehearsal for the new romance play she was part of. Her Co star was someone completely new to the industry but with lots of potential, Zen Wistaria.

He left his famous family to work as an actor because his family didn't let him. With the money he had from his own bank account he rented an apartment and started looking for roles. He was incredibly talented in acting and singing. His first role was at a popular musical and after that came lots of interviews where he revealed the truth about his family and all the hardships he had to get there. Now he is quite popular but still he wants to become world known and prove his family and haters wrong. So he managed to co star with the insanely famous Shirayuki. All of his fans have been waiting for this moment and Shirayuki's fans as well since she had stopped being active in the industry for a few months to focus on her mental health.

She really tried focusing on herself and getting help but she really couldn't find a way to fix herself and doubted that there would ever be a solution to her case. After 3 months her boss called and said that if she continued on being inactive then she wouldn't be relevant anymore and her whole career would flop. So she lied that she felt better, pulled herself up and returned to the industry and to this new play.

Zen was very new to this grand stage they had for rehearsals and the backstage was huge. Rooms everywhere. And since it was the first day not all signs were hung yet to explain which room is which. He stepped into what he thought was his dressing room. He opened the door and looked at the reflection of a red haired girl carefully doing her makeup all alone in front of her mirror with her lines on the screen of her laptop.

He had indeed seen Shirayuki's face from award shows which she had gone to. Did he go to those award shows? No, but he did have to search for his Co star a bit and see what she is about. Oh and by "a bit" I mean, 3 full hours of stalking her social media, reading about her on her Wikipedia page, watching interviews and award shows on YouTube etc. But the sight he saw in front of him was indeed strange. You might ask why but think about it, why is such a famous actress in her room by herself doing her make up alone? Shouldn't anyone be helping her? He saw from interviews that she was modest but honestly he thought it was an act thinking about how well known she is he thought that it must have been an act. But indeed she was somehow prettier without the glamours make up on her face. He immediately snapped back into reality once he heard her voice:

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