Part 1: The Dare

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     It all started with a Dare, it was a good night everyone was getting
shit-faced drunk accept for Matt he decided not to. He watched as Edd, Tom and Tord finished off one bottle after the next. That was when Tord suggested that they play truth or dare. This was where everything started.

      "Sure!" Edd said he got loud when he got drunk
      "Why not?" Matt said
      "Fuck yes!" Tom said
      "Okay let's get to it" Tord said lastly

     The game started fine until Edd said something that changed everything "Tom I dare you to act like a toddler! Like dragging a blanket around and sucking your thumb!"

     Drunk as he was he still said "What the shit?"
     Edd said again "I dare you to act like a toddler!"
     He thought about it and said "sure I guess?" He proceeded to stick his thumb in his mouth to the amusement of everyone else.

      "He did it!" Tord said.
      "No fucking way!!" Edd said even louder than normal.
      "Let's keep going!" Matt said stifling a laugh.

     Tord spoke "Matt this one is for you, truth or dare?"
     "Dare!" Matt said knowing Tom's act would be hard to follow
     "I dare you to have to carry Tom everywhere, like the toddler he is!" He said laughing
      "Fine," he said while looking at Tom who appeared close to passing out "besides it will be more embarrassing for him then it will be for me!"

     As Matt said this Tom realized he really liked sucking his thumb and that it was really comforting. He hoped he could do it tomorrow and get away with it.

     Not five minutes later Tom was passed out in a pool of his own vomit Matt got up and cleaned him up. Afterwards he put him to bed and went out to the other two. They looked at him as though he had two heads.

      "What!?" He said looking at the two of them
      "why did you do that?!" They said shocked
      "Because, because, I don't know?" He said his face turning red
      "You fucking like him don't you?!" Tord said laughing his ass off
      "What?! No, maybe, yes! I do he's so hot and adorable!" He said his face as red as Tord's jacket
      "Oh my God! No fucking way he said he likes your ass too!" Edd said laughing almost as hard as Tord
      "Whatever you two, I'm heading to bed." He said sternly as he left

     The next day Matt went over to check on Tom and when he did he realized that Tom had pissed the bed. He woke him up gave him some clothes and aspirin and told him to get his ass in the shower.

      The other two had no memory of the night before like Matt thought would happen. They had pounding headaches and they said that they felt like shit. He laughed and said that they shouldn't have drank so much. He made himself some breakfast as Tom puked in the shower.

     When Tom got out of the shower Matt called him over and asked him about last night. He said that he didn't remember anything Matt said he thought so. He noticed how awkward Tom was being and decided to finally bring up the question that was nagging at him from the back of his brain "so, last night Edd told me that you like me do you really?"

     Tom was suddenly stopped eating and looked up at him "ugh, I guess it's no use lying you always see right through me, yes it's okay if you don't want to be me friend anymore" Matt was shocked at how straight forward he was being and blurted out "no! Actually I like you to!"

     Tom felt as if the world stopped spinning "really?!" He said really shocked.  "yes, uh" Matt said as though he had nothing left to say.

     They sat there in silence for sometime until Edd and Tord walked in. They talked about the night before and how bad it was. Tom said he was starting to remember little slivers of what happened.

      They talked for a while longer until Tom got up and said that he was going to the store. Matt said he was going too and Tom didn't say no. They got in the car (with Matt driving of course) and started to drive to the store. At one of the stop lights Matt reached over and grabbed Tom's hand. He didn't pull away but didn't embrace it either.

     When they got to the store Tom and Matt got a cart. They started putting stuff into the cart meanwhile, Tom slipped something in his coat. As soon as they got to the check out line Tom said he would pay and for him to go to the car. Matt looked at him for a moment and then gave him some money. He spoke "no take this it should be enough, and if need anything I'll be in the car." He said as He walked out.

    After Tom and Matt put everything in the car, Matt started to drive. Matt noticed that Tom looked nervous and asked him what's wrong. He spoke "you know about how I remember some of last night? Well I got something because of that." He held up what he put in his jacket... A pacifier. He spoke as he opened it "do you mind me buying this?" After he opened it he looked at it. Matt shook his head "no not at, all," he said while smiling "just don't tell Edd or Tord.". He gave him a look that said 'they will think it's super funny'. Tom put the pacifier in his mouth and looked out the window.

     When they got home they saw a note on the on the table that said "hey you two me and Tord are going to be gone for a while -Edd". Matt smiled at Tom and said let's watch a movie!! Tom sat down and said "sure what my?". They picked one out and sat down. Matt wrapped his arms around Tom and put his head on his shoulder.

Hey it's me!! This is finally complete yay! So I may or may not add more idk let me know what you want.

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