Part 3: Kisses

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     Tom opened his eyes to see Matt standing over him. "About time you woke up." Matt said as Tom got out of bed. Matt helped Tom take off his pants, which were soaked. "Man, these are absolutely soaked," Matt said as he took off Tom's Pull-ups "I can't wait to see how well the diapers hold.". Tom sighed and got in the shower.

     While Tom was in the shower he thought about how his life changed and if it was for the better. 'Of course it's for the better, but why?' Tom thought. 'I don't know?' Tom thought as he searched his brain. Deep down he knew. It was because he loved him.

     When Tom got out of the shower he rapped up in a towel and walked into his room. He walked over to his dresser and opened it. Tom was shocked, but kinda glad too, to see that the drawer that once held his
Pull-ups now held several onesies and, diapers. "Do you want help putting those on?" Tom turned around to see Matt standing in the door. "Yeah," Tom said slightly embarrassed "probably.". Matt walked over to his dresser, grabbed a diaper and helped him into it.

     Tom put on a onesie and said "these are super comfortable, where's Tord and Edd by the way?". "They left," Tom was about to ask where but Matt cut him off "I don't know where but they said they would be gone all day.". "Huh," Tom said with a confused look "that's weird."

     A little while later Tom and Matt were sitting on the couch, Tom still diapered, watching TV. "I'm bored, what can I do?!" Tom said pouting a bit. "Do you want some cheese with your wine?!" Matt snapped back. "Cheese and wine sounds great," Tom said as he layed down. Matt got up and said "it really does, he checked the fridge and saw a half-empty bottle of wine. He took it out and walked in the living room.

     Tom was sitting down and when he saw the wine he was skeptical "who's wine is that?". "Mine," said Matt as he poured two glasses. Tom took one Matt took the other. They sat there and watched movies together.

     About halfway through their 2nd movie Tom felt a pressure in his colon. He got up and said to Matt "I have to use the restroom," he said this as he started half-walking, half-waddling to the restroom. Matt got up and said "but your wearing a restroom," he said this as he took him back to the couch. "No it's not a number 1," he said slightly embarrassed. "Oh, I don't care I will still change you," he said as looked at Tom dead honest. Tom continued watching the movie. After a couple of minutes Tom spoke "I'm done," as he said this his face turned slightly red. "Pew, I can smell it let's go change you," Matt said jokingly.

     Matt took Tom in his room and layed a changing mat on the floor. He had Tom take off the onesie and lay on the mat. His diaper was sagging a lot. He layed down and Matt removed his diaper. Matt promptly threw it away then he got back to Tom he wiped his crotch and butt then powdered him. He slid another diaper underneath him and helped him back in his onesie.

     They went back to their movie and they snuggled. At a kiss scene Matt turned and looked at Tom. Tom looked back. Matt held his face close to Tom's. Tom smiled and blushed. Matt blushed then kissed Tom, Tom didn't pull back.

Thank you all so much for your support I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys! I'm sorry I haven't been able to post recently. Things came up and I've been suffering from a bad bout of writer's block. If you guys want to ask anything go ahead I know I already did a q & a but I had less views and support so ask away! I'll even write a short story for the top 3 questions so ask away!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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