Direct Message 39

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C: why?

Me: why what?

C: why would you ditched our plan to meet?!

Me: wasn't my fault, Cameron told me not to go.

C: really? And you listen to him!?

Me: OF COURSE! I love him.

C: ...

Me: What? Jealous?

C: smhh.. no.

Me: ;)

C: Do you want to meet again this time?

Me: sure. When?

C: How about today?

Me: E, I'm busy filming my Netflix series.

C: what is it about?

Me: well, let's just say you're mentioned and I kicked your ass.

C: wow, so it's going to be amazing?

Me: yuh.

C: dope! When can we meet?

Me: actually, I'm not busy later on, like around 6:30pm???

C: perfect! Thank you for this :')

Me: no probs...

Me: But can i ask, how is Gray? I haven't seen him or texted him since we... You know. Since me and you broke up..

C: He's doing ok, I guess, he isn't the same without you though. "Cammy wammy" and my parents miss you. They literally kicked my ass when they found out what I did to you..

C: M, I'm sorry for what I did. That's why I want to meet up so I can explain..

C: i miss you.

Me: I thought we could at least be friends..

C: what?!

C: You don't have feelings for me anymore?!

Me: I still do but E, it's complicated.....

C: Well then let me fix this, us, please.

Me: *sighs* ok.

C: great, see you, same spot like last time I told you to meet up.

Me: ok that's fine

C: bye, love you
Read: 5:39

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