1: Moving In

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*Brief mention of abuse and self-harm

    Richie Tozier wasn't quite excited about this move. Hell, he's never excited. Nothing really excites him anymore. Everythings going to be exactly the same; he's going to go to school for 3 months until he gets expelled for doing dumb shit, then he'll get on his parent's nerves, then the police will be involved, blah blah blah. This time he wants to change, like actually. Sure he said he would 5 months ago but this time he thinks he can do it.

     Richie's eyes fluttered open as they stopped in the driveway of their new house. It wasn't that special. It was just like the other houses on the street. A two-story dark blue house with a small front porch and a rose garden. More than half of the roses had turned a dusty pink with brown to show that nobody took care of them anymore.

    "Richie! Help your mother with the boxes!" Wentworth yelled from the car. Richie obnoxiously groaned and dramatically twisted his body around to start dragging his feet towards the open trunk. Sure he was a tall, lanky, and a bit awkward but he was quite strong. He was probably stronger than most of the guys at his old school. After about 30 minutes of bringing the boxes upstairs, he decided he was going to explore. He checked his watch that glowed three green numbers:


    He quietly strolled to the kitchen and watched as the blood red liquid poured deftly into the wine glass that was held by his mother. He spoke carefully, quietly, and cautiously. He didn't know how much of the bittersweet substance she had to drink. "Hey mom, can I go explore around the town? I won't be gone long, I swear." "Go ahead, I don't care." Her words were slurred because of the fermented grape juice that had rewired her brain.

     Richie had walked for five minutes now in his beat-up black hightop converse, ripped jeans which were past his ankle considering he had grown another five inches during the past year, a Nirvana shirt that hung off his body like it did on his hanger in his closet, and his trusty blue, yellow, red, and green baggy windbreaker. He had strolled into the pharmacy with the $11.50 in his pocket. He didn't necessarily need anything from there. Maybe some M&M's or a new pack of smokes.

     He had walked to the candy aisle when his eyes were met with a pair of ocean blue eyes, a sweet smile, and a freckled face, similar to his own. She wore a loose blouse, shorts that went to her knees, brown lace-up boots with the addition of her house key on a necklace and multiple bracelets adorning her razor kissed wrists. Her knees were covered in blossoming lilac bruises, contrasting against her milky skin.

    "Hey," she spoke and it was like heaven to Richie's ears, "are you just going to stare?"

    Richie coughed, trying to mask his flushed cheeks. "Sorry 'bout that hot stuff." This earned a giggle to escape from the girl's pink lips. "I'm Beverly Marsh to you, handsome." "Yeah? Well, Richie Tozier's the name, doing voices is my game." "Well, Richie Tozier, are you new here? I'm afraid I haven't seen you around." "Yeah actually, I just moved here." "Is that so?" "Yes, ma'am," Richie said in his British accent along with Beverly's giggle.

    "What are you doing here? There are so many other cool places. Do you want me to show you around?" "Sure!" "Well, I gotta pay for a few things first."

    She took the M&M's from the hook and made her way towards the cashier, grabbing some bubblegum along the way. Richie stood next to her while she paid.

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