4. Friends

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Stanley's soft hand gently gripping Richie's calloused hand was all he could think about every waking morning and every sleepless night.  The feeling was almost euphoric making Richie's face burn and his stupid grin widen. It was perilous for Richie to feel this way, he never felt this way. Feeling this way only meant more hurt, more disturbed nights, more aching in his chest and more thoughts that crowd his conscience. All things come to an end. This feeling of being completely vulnerable will come to an end.

But the way his touch left a burn, not on his skin, but on his heart. He lit him on fire and it's hard to breathe with all this ash suffocating his lungs or is it from the endless cigarettes Richie likes to steal from drugstores in shady neighborhoods? The ones where graffiti comes in contact with abandoned homes, the ones where drug dealers are around every corner, the ones where love never lasts and abuse takes its place, but this isn't New York anymore and instead of him stealing, it's a fiery red-haired girl who's taken his job. This girl lit a spark in his heart and he could never forget her.

His heart was on a platter for these people. He felt safe with them. This was new. Usually, he felt safe with the burn in his lungs and the sober cries of his intoxicated mind. He made a home in loneliness and a safe haven in hurt. The blood used to stain the towels and his delicate, porcelain skin, now they're stained in the back of Richie's mind along with the promise. That stupid fucking promise.

At this point, Richie doesn't believe this is all real. How can anyone like a broken boy? He's broken beyond repair and that's where everything just stops. His world is completely different now than it was before. He has people to be with who won't judge him. He has people like him who are broken but they don't let that get in the way of them having fun. He has people who like him for him and he couldn't be happier. This time he goes to bed with a smile on his face knowing he'll be able to see his friends when the day rolls around.

Hello, I apologize for this being so short but it's sort of a filler chapter? I've been trying to continue writing this for months but nothing really motivated myself. During these months I've been able to meet amazing fucking friends who have helped me as my mental health deteriorated, so I thank them for helping me through my worst times. Hopefully, I'll be able to update this story more in the future. Thanks for sticking along. :)

word count : 471

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