Chapter 2

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           The next day Gon was hyped, epically meeting a soon-to-be-special someone. He woke up before the alarm clock even beeped, that's a major leap. Looking at the time, it was 6:30AM, he put on a grey tank top, with some black shorts, and did his morning routine. But this time, he brought his fishing rod, and was planning to eat breakfast with Killua.

Gon decided to go early because why not? After all, he might have a chance to have his first friend. With this thought, it excites him, as he grin to himself.

When he got there, he saw Killua "sleeping" against the tall tree.

Gon slowly creep up, trying not to make as much noise as he could. He was about to tackle Killua, but he notice how hot, or rather beautiful he looked. It makes him feel self conscious perhaps? Gon shook his head, then BAM! What thought to be Killua, was actually a tree.

Gon whimpered quietly, as Killua did his devil-ish smirk. "What the heck? I thought you were sleeping" Gon whines. Killua chucked, only putting his hands casually behind his head. He whistle, and turning his direction away from Gon, acting like nothing happen.

"Hey!" Gon calls out to Killua; second attempt trying to tackle Killua failed once again. "Your too slow u Baka" he did a cheeky grin. "Well it's not my fault" Gon said, trying to sound sad, but rather it was the opposite, Gon laughed.

"Anyways, I brought my fishing rod, so we can go fishing!". "That's cool, let me see your fishing rod" Gon puts bait on the fishing hook before handing it to Killua.

The blue eyed boy, failed misery to throw the bait in the water. "Here, you gotta cast the spinning reel like this" after 5 minutes or so, Gon finished explaining, as Killua only nodded.

Killua tried again, this time it worked.
Awhile past, and the more seconds went by, the more impatient Killua gets. "How come there isn't any fish?" He groans, and squints at the water, only hoping to see a fish.

"Nee, Killua?" Gon chirped. "What's up Gon?" He replies back. "Let's get some sticks and make a camp fire" Gon stuff the fishing rod into the ground and put rocks around, for extra security.

"Okay" Killua said, as Gon motion him to follow him. "Try to get old sticks" he said, while picking up a worn out stick from the ground. Some times passes, with Gon and Killua hands fulls, carrying all shorts of sticks.

They hurried back, and saw the fishing rod slightly twitched. It alerted the two 18 year old boys. They drop the sticks nearby, and rush to the occurring event. "Okay Killua, you have to reel it back, when I say now, okay?" Gon nodded to Killua, as he did the same back. "Okay..just a little longer.." there was a slight moment of silent until Gon yells "NOW!" Killua roughly pulled the fishing rod out from the ground, and reel it back with brutal force. A fish came flying across until hitting the floor.

Killua catch another fish, "a easy catch" Killua smirked, proud of what he accomplished. He looks behind him, and saw Gon making the camp fire. It was surrounded by rocks, and sticks in the center to keep the fire burning.

Gon stuff the two fishes through a stick and place it on two Y-ish stick, cooking over the fire.

While waiting for the fishes to cook,  Gons climbed the tall tree, or also known as his "special spot". "Come up here Killua! The view is nice" Gon calls Killua from below, and waves his two arms around. Killua let out a sigh, before following after Gon. They both look over the river. "How's it over there?" Gon pointed to the other side. "Hm, probably likes yours". It's was silent. A comfortable one though, The amber eyed boy and blue eyed boy carefully listen to the soft breeze that went by.

"Nee, Killua" Gon hummed happily. "Hm?" The amber eyes met with the blue ones. Almost like he is drowning by the pool of royal blue. "I'm glad I met you" Gon grinned widely. "Why is that?" Killua question him, knowing they only known each other for 2 days. "Because your my first friend!" He giggled.

We're friends? Killua thought. "Yeah whatever, don't say such embarrassing things Gon" Killua turned his face the opposite from Gon. A slight pink tint was on Killua face. Killua tried hiding his tail that was swaying excitedly?

Gon giggled again, thinking Killua didn't deny it. Gon climbed down, and checked to see if the fishes are done cooking. Fortunately, they are. "Killua, it's ready!" Gon shouted to him. "Okay, coming" Killua replied. He climbs down and received a fish from Gon.

Killua stared at the fish with suspicious eyes, "this.. it's just—" he shivers. "What is it?" Gon curiosity replied, tilting his head, and taking a chomp into the fish. "Am I suppose to eat this?!" Killua exclaimed in grief. "Yeah, You are a Neko after all" Gon lightly elbow him. "B-but still-"

"Looks like someone is scared?" Gon teases, and only smirked. Killua cat ears only twitch in irritation "Pftt, yeah right!" He took a huge bite, with open eyes. "Wowh! Tdis isz Ashsholey prutty goood!" (Wow! This is actually pretty good!) he said with muffle sounds coming out. Gon chuckled at the the sight of how hungrily Killua ate the fish.

They ended up finishing their breakfast, and put out the fire .

Soon after, they laid on the grass, looking up at the sky. "Hey I think I see you!" Gon pointed up to a cloud that is "supposing" to be Killua. "Baka, are you really that stupid huh?" Killua gave Gon a face indicating you for real? Somewhat along those lines.

Gon only laughed it off and smile.
"well that looks like you" Killua pointed to another cloud. "No way, that looks weird" he denies. "That exactly what I mean" He did his cat-ish grin. They close their eyes, again, listening closely to their surroundings. Such as the breeze, the the ruffling noise from the tree, the river that is going west, and each other soft breathing.

"I really had fun today Killua" Gon rolled over to Killua direction. "Hm, whatever" he hummed and shifted his face to directly look at Gon. Then pitches his cheek "Ow, ow ow ow!" Gon whines loudly. "Baka!"

"Let's meet here next Sunday, 8:00 okay?" "Yeah sure" Killua smirked.

I really do have fun today, thank you Gon.

Neko Killua x Inu GonWhere stories live. Discover now