Oliver, Dylan, Sebashian, and Jesse

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I start to wake up and open my eyes. I see Oliver sleeping like this, making me smile.

 I see Oliver sleeping like this, making me smile

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I sit up and crawl off the bed. I walk over to my bags and grab shampoo, conditioner, perfume and clothes.
I walk into his bathroom and set my clothes on the counter.

20 minutes later

I step out of the shower wrapping myself with a towel. I throw my hair up in a towel too and then spray some purfum on me. I slip on this outfit and then blow dry my hair

I walk out of the bathroom and over to my phone that i plugged in last night

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I walk out of the bathroom and over to my phone that i plugged in last night. I glance over at the bed and see Oliver still sleeping. I unplug my phone and walk downstairs into the kitchen. I pull out a glass from the cabinet and i set it on the counter. I walk over to the fridge and grab the Orange juice before I walk back over to the cup and poor the Orange Juice into it.
All of a sudden i feel someone wrap their arms around my waist from behind and rest their head on my shoulder.
"Hi" i hear Oliver say beside my ear.
"Hi" i giggle. He kisses my neck lightly, lingering there for a few seconds.
"Well your in a good mood this morning" i say smiling before turning around.
"Why wouldn't i be? I have you" he says resting his hands on my hips.
I give him a peck on the lips before walking over to the breakfast bar where I had set my phone, and sit down in front of it. I take a sip of the orange juice while Oliver leans on his elbows against the breakfast bar.
"What do you wanna do today?" He asks me.
"I don't know" i say sighing.
"Do you want to just watch a bunch of movies?" He asks me as I take the last sip of my orange juice.
"Sure" I say before sanding up and slipping my phone in my back pocket.
"You okay? You seem off today" he asks me.
"Yeah" i say shrugging. He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him before we walk upstairs.
He puts in a movie as i sit down in the middle of the bed. He climbs onto the bed and sits right in front of me so that both my legs are rested on the bed on either side of him, he leans back onto me and scoots front so that his head is rested just below my chest. I start playing with his hair and run my fingers through it as the movie plays.

Once the movie was over I lean forward and look down at Oliver and see that he's asleep. I giggle and then lean back, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I scroll through Instagram and Snapchat responding to some DMs and fan accounts.

Oliver Moy x Dylan ConriqueWhere stories live. Discover now