I turned some music on through my speaker and decided to clean up my room a little bit and organize it. My room was already pretty clean so I just had to pick up my shoes and put them away and throw away the gum rappers and crumpled up paper off the floor. Once I was done cleaning I started to organized my desk when all of a sudden someone knocked on the door. "Come it" I said as I turned around and stood up. My mom walks in with a bunch of new folded up boxes in her hands. "Start packing we will be leaving Tomorrow. " She says setting the boxes on the ground and picking up more that she had set down just outside of my room and set them down in my room too. " Tomorrow?! I can't pack that fast! " I say worried. "Well we will be leaving tomorrow around 2 and flying to Florida so you better hurry" She says and then just walked out. I roll my eyes and then unfold all of the boxes and start packing all of my stuff. And I have a lot of stuff, but a really small room so hopefully I will get a bigger one in Florida.
It was about 12 pm when I started packing and I ended at about 2 am because I just couldn't work anymore. I only had to pack a few more boxes and then I would be done so I just decided to do that in the morning. Lucky I hadn't packed any of my bathroom stuff or my beding so I took a quick shower, so I wouldn't have to do it in the morning, and then brushed my teeth and changed into some shorts and an oversized t-shirts and went off to bed.
I woke up around 9 am which is a little late for me because I usually get up at 7 or 8 but I stayed up late last night packing so I sleeped in a little longer. I packed the other boxes and set them in the pile of boxes in the corner of my room. I then went downstairs to make some breakfast. No one was up yet so I just made some cereal and an apple and headed over to the breakfast bar Turing on the TV that is in the kitchen hanging on the wall. Once I was done eating I turned off the TV and headed back upstairs and decided to take a nap because no one was up yet and I had nothing to do.
I woke up to loud talking from downstairs. I looked at my phone and it was 11. I sat up and unplugged my phone from its charger and put the charger and my headphones that we're on my night stand into my carry on that I will take on the plane. I walked downstairs and saw that the movers were here and taking Caden's boxes out of his room. My mom was helping them and as she walked by she said "Your room is next so get the stuff that you will bring with you on the plane"" "Okay " I say before walking back into my room and putting my carry on duffle bag and my suitcase on my bed before changing into the outfit I left out for me the night before when I was packing my cloths. This is what I was going go wear today
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Once I changed I came out of the bathroom and grabbed my bags bringing them downstairs and putting them on the chouch. "Mom did you already order the Uber" I say as she walks by "No not yet. Can you?" She says as she as she stops walking so that she could hear my answer. "Yeah sure. " I say before unlocking my phone and going to the Uber app and ordering an Uber.
The Uber got here about 30 minutes later and by then the movers had already left. We all got in the Uber and went go the airport. We got on our flight and headed over to Florida.
I promise you this story will get MUCH better. Please just wait