I sigh leaning back onto my bed in frustration. A few minutes pass by until someone knocks on the door. "Dylan?" My mom says from the other side of the door. "Come in" I say sitting up. "Oliver says you left your sweater at his house" she says after opening the door. "Oliver" I say "Yes, Oliver" She says stepping inside the room before Oliver peeking through the door before walking in with my sweater draped on his arm. My mom smiles at him before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. He throws the sweater on the bed before collapsing on top of me. "What are you doing?" I say laughing. "I'm tired" he says in a whiny voice "I thought you came over to make out with me or something" "No" he says shaking his head before climbing off of me. I crawl up to the top of my bed and lay down so that I'm slightly sitting up because of the pillows at the top of my back and my head but yet I'm still laying down.
Oliver climbs on top of me before flopping down, resting his head on top of me so that his face is facing my neck and is only a few inches away from it. "Goodnight baby" I say as I start to rub his back "Goodnight baby girl" he says in a quiet voice.
I continue to rub his back for a few more minutes until I know that he's asleep before closing my eyes and falling asleep as well.
A few hours later I wake up to Oliver still on top of me but he's now awake and is on his phone. He also scooted down so that his head is now rested on my stomach. I sigh before sitting up, making Oliver sit up as well. "What's up?" He says shutting his phone off and looking at me. "Nothing I just figured I should change since it's night time. Are you going to stay the night?" I say as I get off the bed and walk into my closet, looking for some clothes. "Yeah. if that's okay with you?" He says nodding "Yeah" I say as I grab a tank top and some sleeping shorts
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I walk into the bathroom and change into it. Once I get out Oliver had already taken his shirt off and crawled under the blanket. I walk over to my bed and crawl into it beside Oliver. I grab my lap top and open up Netflix before laying it down near the foot of the bed in between us. Oliver picks some show to watch as I snuggle up into his chest before soon falling asleep.
I wake up to a phone ringing, making me groan. Me and Oliver sit up and check both our phones to see who's getting a call. It was me. I rub my eyes before answering the call. "Hello?" I say in a sleepy voice. Oliver still sitting up with me. "Hey Sweetheart" I hear a guys voice say making my eyes go huge because I immediately recognize the voice. I was totally shocked that it was him, that I didn't even say anything. "You there?" He says pulling me out of my silence. "Ughh, yeah yeah" I say nodding my head, "how are you calling me right now?" I add on, looking over at Oliver who is confused about who it is. "You don't sound happy to hear me?" He says in a confused voice. "It's just really late and you woke me up" I say yawning. "I'll talk to you tomorrow" he says before hanging up.
I sigh, throwing my phone down on my bed. "Are you okay?" Oliver says looking down at me. "No" I say shaking my head. "What's wrong?" He says worried as he grabs my hand. "That.. that was my ex" I say closing my eyes. "What? Why was your ex calling you?" Oliver says, with a little jealousy in his voice. "I don't know, baby, but I don't want to talk about him" "Okay" Oliver says letting it go. I sit up and give him a few long kisses before we both lay back down. I try to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking abut that call, and Oliver want sleeping either,he kept rustling around in the bed all night.
I'm sorry this is such a bad chapter. My depression has come back so it's very hard to think and Its a real struggle to write anything right now. I apologize