Last part and Epilouge

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Hello people. How are you all? I know i was late what to do busy with some personal stuff. And yes i know that in last part i didn't reached your hopes in update. But today i will give my best in this update and yes this is the last part of this OS. So at least in this last part please vote guys and try to do comment even if they are negative it will be ok for me. Now lets start. 

Scene 6

Evening 7.15 

Nandini is seen sitting in sofa in living room by keeping laptop on her laps and doing some work seriously and manik is seen keeping her legs on his lap and pressing them. 

(Imagine laptop in her lap)

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(Imagine laptop in her lap)

N : Mannu leave it yaar i am fine don't do it please. 

M : Never. See how stressed you are. I am having no problem by doing to your legs. How many times do i need to tell you nannu?

N : Acha baby sorry. 

M : By the way nannu today sunday yaar today also you are busy with your work leaving me alone. This is not fair yaar. 

N : Don't crib so much my jaan just few more minutes i will be with you free ok. 

Then she gets a call from her client regarding a doubt and she receives the call.

N : Hello mam. Ya it was almost done. I had already sent a presentation to your mail please check it and call again if you have doubts. Ya mam monday i will see remaining issues 

And suddenly she giggles because our manik is seen tickling her on her foot. 

N : (by struggling to talk and holding manik) Mam can i call u later *laughs* ya mam please *giggles* yes mam *cuts the call and laughs*

N : *laughing* Whats wrong with you mannu? *giggles*

M : Yaar your client that Mrs. Singhania will calls you even on sunday. Listen nannu last time also you did the same thing. We have decided right sunday is ours. wait let me switch off your phone. Then no one will disturb us. 

N : mannu no. Are you crazy? Don't do it. Acha ok baby listen to me now i will stop working give me my phone back. 

M: *still holding her phone far from her* No i don't believe you. You love your client more than me right. 

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