*Sophias POV*
"Last call for flight to London"
I got all my carryons and headed to the gate. I finally leaving, headed to the place I most desired to be. I had no faimly left, so I was ready.
I got on and got settled, I noticed some cameras going off in the seats behind me. I bought first class tickets for a reason. I have money, lots of it. My grandparents were millionaires and left all their money to me.
I turned around but couldnt really see anything, there was a big crowd. I deciced to ignore it and pulled out my IPhone, I put on "Slipped away" I loved this song. It meant so much to me sentimentally.
I pulled my long hair into a pony tail for the long.Trip I noticed two mothers looking at me from the corner of my eye. They obviously didn't like the was I dressed, most people like it. Mainly younger people. I like to dress different. I like hipster sorta look. I dressed pretty casual today.
I layed my head down and slowly drifted to sleep.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 hour later
I was awoken by water, all around me? I sat up real quick to see I was on a raft. I looked around, I was floating on this raft in the middle of the ocean! Where is the plane? What happened? I must be dreaming!
"Good your up! I was worried!" I heard a husky voice grunt from behind me. I turned around and saw freaking Harry Styles! I wasnt a huge fan. But I wasnt dumb either, I knew who he was.
"Wheres the plane?" I ask. More like demand. He moves closer and puts arm around me.
"Look theres no easy way to tell you this...." Oh no! He takes my hand but i pull it away quickly. I just want to know whats going on.
"Just tell me!"
"The plane crashed and I saw you floating on your seat, your the only one I saw so I grabbed you and put you on this raft." he said a looked down
"The plane crashed?!" Iasked almost in disbelif
I lay my head back down. Theres no point in talking about it. What's done is done. I just hope we find land quick. I turn to face Harry and hes starring at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing, Its just youve been awake for a good 30 minutes and you havent fangirled." he said laughing.
"Dont get to full of yourself, Maybe I dont like you" I said and his face turned to shock. "Kidding" I said and giggled to myself.
"Oh good" He breathed a sigh of relif.
It was starting to get darker and colder. I curled my knees up to my chest. I was shivering. I guess Harry noticed because he moved closer and hugged me into him. I felt a warm fuzzy feeeling inside. But I pushed it away.
"So I never caught your name" Harry whispered in my ear.
"Sophia Lynn Marie. But you can call me Sophia." I said and nuzzlled into him.
"I wanna know more about you Sophia. Your not like other girls. From the way you look, to the way you dress, to the way you act. I like it." Harry said I felt shivers down my back everytime I heard him talk.
"Well I was born in the States. But my grandparents adopted me when I was 16. My parents got in a wreck and they died. I lived in Califronia until my grandparents died. They left me all their money, and I always wanted to come to London. So I bought a flat, and a plane ticket and here I am." I said feeling a bit sad, I was a little nervous that I just opened up like that to Harry, but I think I can trust him.
"Well Sophia, I'm very sorry about your loss. But I'm very glad your here." He said. I was begginging to be very tired, I was drifting off to sleep as Harry started singing in my ear.
I fell asleep in Harry's arms. I could get used to this.