Eyes Are Closing

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Demi's P.O.V

The internal pain I was experiencing was unbearable. I was on a time difference of 8 hours away from Ella. God knows how long it's gonna take to fly from LA to the UK and rush to the hospital. I wanted to be at her side squeezing her hand and kissing her forehead reassuring her I was there and it was going to be ok. But I couldn't. Instead I was curled up in the seat of the private jet I had hired at last minute sobbing into my sweater, impatiently waiting for the pilot to take off. WHAT WAS TAKING SO LONG?!
"Hey, there's a girl on the other side of the world that really fucking needs me right now so I would seriously appreciate it if you would hurry the fuck up!"
"I am going as fast as I possibly can Miss Lovato."
The pilot said nothing more.
I should've really told someone where I was going I mean I was leaving the country. But that wasn't my priority right now. What if she dies? What if she's already dead? No she can't be. She won't be. She can't just leave the world without saying goodbye. I can't let her. I won't let her. What if she's already dead and the last thing I ever said to her was an unfinished sentence. I can't let our relationship be an unfinished sentence, she's GOT to keep fighting.
"Uhm Miss Lovato we have a very long journey ahead, you may want to sleep a little."
Sleep?! How was I meant to fucking sleep?! I felt like biting his head off but he was only showing concern.
"No I can't. I really can't."
"Miss, I know that you feel like you can't because you're in a terrible position but believe me when I say that if you sleep now, when we arrive to our destination whatever may face you, you will feel more prepared."
I didn't want to admit it, but he was right.
"I guess..."
And with that, my eyelids fell shut.

I woke up to the violent shaking of the turbulences. Technically I opened my eyes to the shaking of the turbulences. I had slept for what I counted as 5 minutes and they weren't pleasant. All I could think of was Ella and the condition she could be in. She could be dead. Each second that passed was a second closer to death and no matter how strong I tried to be or seemed to be words could not describe how much it was killing me. I hated myself for leaving without saying goodbye. I hated myself for leaving. I had took the easy way out with Wilmer and maybe I should've fought harder for the love I wanted.
"Miss, we are landing. The hospital is 10 minutes away from here. There is a car waiting on the runway for you."
The 10 minutes passed in thankfully no time at all. I lunged out of the car in my bare feet which scraped along the loose stones at the entrance of the hospital. I ignored the whispers and gasps circling in ever direction. I had to find her.
"Could I help you ma'am?"
I stopped running and realised how much I was trembling.
"I'm looking for Ella-"
Fuck I didn't even know her surname.
"I don't know her surname but her doctor is Doctor Revlin and she phoned me off Ella's phone saying that she was in a critical condi-"
"Miss Lovato?"
"Yes that's me please help me where is she I need to see her."
"She's on the Resuss ward. Straight down the corridor ahead, at the very end I may advise you to hurry."
Hurry? HURRY?! Oh my god no. No please no.
Everything went blurry. The doors I passed were black spots. The people I bumped into were dark lines. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. I was screaming her name praying to god she would her me. No matter how fast I ran the doors never seemed to get closer.
My exhausted body slammed through the heavy double doors to be faced with her limp figure. Wires and tubes entered her body from every direction possible. She was still wearing her necklace. Everything was grey except for her face. Her face still glowed with every inch of life left in her. I dove to her side and grabbed her fingers to intertwine them with mine. I repeatedly gave her wet kisses on her forehead and whispering that I was here and it was all going to be ok. I forced myself to believe my own words. God wouldn't take her out of this world she was far too extraordinary. My sobs turned to whimpers as I clung to her hand. What had happened to her? There wasn't a trace of blood in sight. No stitches. No bandages. Nothing. If it wasn't for the wires and tubes she would look like she was sleeping.
"Ell, I'm sorry for leaving. I was too scared to face up to the love I wanted to fight for so I let you go. I fucked up. Remember me telling you I was a fuck up? Well I proved my point. It's all my fault you're here. The marks humans too often leave are scars and I probably left a pretty fucking huge one after you kissed mine away. I need you to wake up so I can kiss you and wrap my arms around your waist and tell you how much I love you and how I won't ever leave you. You're mine and mine only. A world without you would be a world that wouldn't be worth living in so you just hang in there. Promise me you won't leave. Promise?" My words were impossible to make out by the end all you could hear were my pain filled whimpers. I suddenly remembered the first song that we called ours. Flashbacks began of us slow dancing in the kitchen with her head on my shoulder. It was an impulse to sing.
"So honey now,
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are."
I lifted my head for my eyes to make contact with the monitor which displayed a thick straight line.
Then everything stopped.

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