Tell The Truth

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"Oh my god, it looks like a hurricane passed through here!" We heard a voice in the the distance yell and that was our cue to pull away. I guess I was too late because when I looked up there was a very confused Francesca standing in the doorway followed by Winston.

"Uhh come on Frankie let's go back inside" Winston proposed. By the facial expression Frankie was making I could tell that there was something more than what she had just seen on her mind.

"No- I- I think everyone should just leave... sorry just- guys I think it's time to go" Frankie announced.

"Come on Frankie it's no big deal just- we'll talk about it" I tried but Frankie wasn't having it.

"I'm being serious!" She yelled shocking everyone.

"I'm sorry I'll texting you later Winston I just think you guys should leave, and bye Tristan" she waved.

I watched as the two quickly exited the yard obviously scared of Frankie and at that point I was really confused of what was going on, I had no clue what she was thinking I mean she was alright with Tristan it can't be that she was that mad at me for- no.

"Frankie, ha ha what's up, you okay? Are you made at-?" I asked pointing my finger too the side as if me and Tristan were still kissing over there.

"Miles no, miles they're coming home. that's why I'm out here they just called!" Frankie shouted. I was very unsure of what was going on at this point.

"Mom and dad! they're coming home now!" She shrieked

"What. i thought they were only coming back Sunday?!" I responded.

"Not any more! I guess" she said with obvious annoyance in her voice.

"And what was that with you and tristan, I'm so confused miles, are you guys dating?" She inquired.

*Thud thud*

We were interrupted by a really loud knock on the gate. When I looked up I noticed a reporter with a cameraman, a group of publicists and other important looking people walking through the gate and helping them selves into the yard, typical.

"Hello you guys must be mr. Hollingsworth's children, I'm Cheryl Fleischer, a reporter and I'm here to interview your father about the storm and just generally about what he thinks should happen about damage done in the city" she informed us with a great deal of attitude.

"Well he's not here so bye" I snapped.

Leaving the reporter with a shocked expression.

"Miles!" Frankie whispered

"What he means is nice to meet you" she continued.

"Likewise, well we were here earlier but we didn't wanna- never mind" Cheryl blushed.

"You didn't want to what?" Frankie questioned.

"Oh nothing we just didn't wanna interrupt." She winked and with that she walked off to consult with the other publicists.

"Miles do you think they stopped by when.. You and tris-?" Frankie probed at the situation. You know that feeling you get when you go to high on the swing and it feels like your inside are rising into your throat.

Well I felt that the moment I heard my little sister say those words. This couldn't happen, the media couldn't have that type of information, it's the reason my fathers been avoiding situations like this for years. the reason Frankie thinks she needs to be perfect, the reason I can't help but rebel against everything, the reason hunter won't even leave his room and stop playing computer games.

"It's impossible."



Hey, so I'm not sure if I made any mistakes in this chapter, I didn't re-read it and it's a really short chapter so sorry for that.... also Should I continue this fic? I'm not really sure lol

Damn cliff changer ;) haha

Also yes I've changed my username and the cover of the book, sorry not sorry

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