Honeymoon avenue

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Omg! This was sooo meant to be posted on Saturday 😭 SORRY!!

Just sayn doe this story might get...

"Un peu excitant, si vous savoir ce que je veux dire ;)"


Miles' POV

"You know that feeling you get when you ride a big Roller coaster for the first time, it's amazing, breathtaking and terrifying all at once, you can never tell if the rails will break, if you'll vomit all over the person beside you or if it will be the ride of your life, yet you forget the feeling the next day but reminisce on the glorious experience for every day after, well that's how it felt"


I was pretty happy that school was finally over. I had some how managed to avoid Maya completely today but I'd spend the whole of lunch time and break listening to "Jake" talk about everything under the sun. He never stopped talking; You'd think the boy was reciting the encyclopedia every time he opened his mouth. Tristan on the other hand didn't seem to mind, at all. He also didn't mind completely ignoring me to talk about whatever with, yup you guessed it, Jake!

"My parents aren't home, wanna come over?" I asked quickly wrapping my arm around Tristan.

"Oh sure! As long as your dad's not home" he joked grabbing my hand that was draped over his shoulder.

"Hey guys!" I heard an unsettlingly familiar voice from behind greet us, great jake again.

"So, what are you guys up to" he shrieked, way to excited.

"Yeah well, Tristan is coming over to mine sooo, yeah" I informed him.

"Oh.. Okay bye Trissy!" He yelled

As he walked away.

"Bye jakey!" Tris laughed.



I could literally feel my blood boiling under my skin. I had no clue why but I couldn't help but hate him. If the lunch bell hadn't gone on off when it did Jake would have spent the rest of the afternoon in the ER. While the doctors tired to determine the best method to remove the plastic fork that was occupying his eye socket. That would have been fun.

I stormed out the front doors with Tris following closely behind.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" I could see him smile from the corner of

Of my eye. I didn't answer though, I don't know what had gotten into me, was I jealous of Jacob? no way.

I crossed my arms over my chest and continued walking, I had to admit it was hard playing the "I'm mad at you" card on something who was as crazy adorable, as Tris.

"Miles!" He raised his voice.

"Miles, you in in there! Are you alright?" He laughed as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"You tell me, Trissy!" I snapped.

"Oh my god! You're jealous" he shrieked, playfully pushing my arm.

"You're jealous!" He yelled this time.

"No shit" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why, Jake is harmless" he argued.

"Why? Um for starters you guys have way more in common than we do, you guys have weird nicknames for each other when you've literally only known each other for all of 4 hours and it doesn't help that he isn't ugly either" I couldn't help but lash.

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