"bien,y tú?"

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Jisung yawned as he was falling asleep on the couch. He was sleepy and it was past his bedtime but his brother was somewhere and he wanted to wait for him. He jumped up once the door opened.

"Ah-sungie why are you awake?!" Sunwoo asked as he rushed over to the younger.  Jisung pouted,"I wanted to talk"

"Eh? Talk about what baby?",he asked as he plopped down next to his brother. Jisung cuddled,"i-i met th-this boy"

"Minho?the one in charge of you?"

Jisung nodder,"h-he made-de fun of the p-plush-shie you gave me ,th-then I told h-him I ca-cant name him unt-till someone who lo-loves me alot does it"

Sunwoo nodded,"and what's wrong with-"

"He-he na-named it"

Just like that,Minho was listed in Sunwoo's list of death wishes.

Sunwoo had nothing against his little brother falling in love. He was again the fcat that Minho had a horrible record and could actually hurt him,emotionally or physically. He just wanted the best for his little brother. Was that to much to ask??

"Whats... did he name it?"

Jisung giggled,"mango "

Sunwoo laughed airily. "Is that so?"

"Yeah,a-and I asked h-him why,a-and he said be-because his friends u-used to call him m-mang-go"

Sunwoo smiled once more and kissed his brother's head ,"great story baby,now go get some sleep,tomorrow is a school day". Jisung nodded and went to bed.

Minho was back in the classroom, he was reading Goldilocks and the three bears,to Jisung. He didnt mind,what he did mind was that this boy was making him go soft.

That's wasn't goo for his record.

He needed to be feared.

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