"no te quiero decir"

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A/n:what ig I told you this story is close to its end :'(

Jisung didnt go back to class.

He didnt go to the restroom.

He didnt face minho.

He didnt go to Sunwoo.

He went straight to the one place no one will find him,hopefully.

It was outside in a small corner no one knew about,but he didnt care. He was sad,he was never sad. But sadness became a new emotion on he met Minho. The boy always waiting for Minho to come by and read him a story, or compliment his drawings! But he guessed it was all an act. One where he was never the one to marry the prince.

He curled up,he didnt care if his favourite orange jumper,white long sleeved shirt and white socks got dirty. He just wanted to cry. So that was what he did. He was questioning himself. Did minho not mean any of it? Those "wow your amazing" or "I'll be there for you" ,did he especially not mean to call him ,"baby". He chocked out a sob,he scrunched his nose as he leaned against the wall.

How was he so gullible to believe someone will actually love him for all his flaws and imperfections.


"What was that baby?"

"Th-thast y-your-r n-nick-ckname! M-min-n-ni!"

The older have him a soft smile and kissed his head. Jisung scrunched his nose and  closed his eyes as he did so.

"Come on prince,I have to go now,I'll see you tomorrow "

"B-bye m-mini",the younger said as he hugged 'mango'. A small smile played on his lips.

Jisung raised his sweater paw to his forehead. He rubbed his and he cried. He hated this. He never cried so much other than for his favorite snack.


The bell rang,indicating the end of the day. Minho happily exited class,just to bump into Sunwoo. The older looked around,"h-he's not with you?"

Minho raised a brow, "who?"

"J-jisung! He wasn't in class! A-and he didnt take his plushie!"he said as he desperately looked around.

Minho's heart sank at that. "Have you seen him?"

As much as minho wanted to say yes,he couldn't.

Because he never went to visit the boy that day

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