"para siempre"

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A/n:long ish chapter-here is the ending of this story!

He didnt know what it was. Or how it happened.

He just fell for the boy,the one who had a stutter.

The one that cried if he even dared leave his side for more than 6 hours.

His fingers ran through the dyed orange locks of his lover. A small smile on his face as he looked at his sleeping Jisung. The boy's squirrel like face looked so kissable.

He layed his head on the boy's crook of the neck. He kissed it lightly before wrapping his arms around the boy's waist. He closed his eyes,a small smile on his face.

Before he fell into slumber he felt his lovers hand intertwine with his. The metal of the golden rings clashing against one another. A smile on both faces now.

Highschool was a pain,but both managed.

The one thing they surely enjoyed was their time together. Although it used to be before and afterschool,now it's as long as they want.

"You happy?",he asked in a deep soft voice.

A hum was heard from his lover,the boy tilted his head to the side,"v-very",he responded in a whisper like voice.

Both males cuddled longer,the only source of light being emitted from the TV in their bedroom. Laughter and chatter being heard from the said device.

What they were watching?

"Can you believe it baby?"he asked as he he leaned in to his lover's touch.

"S-sort of "the other giggled.

"Do you ,Minho, take Jisung-"

"I do"he said as he kissed his lover's neck. Saying the same moment the video of him saying so did.

"And do you,Jisung-",

The boy giggled before snuggling in,"I d-do"

Both hummed silently,their eyes closing.

"I love you ",he whispered once more

"I l-love you m-more",Jisung said before falling back to sleep.

The dim light,flickering over their sleeping bodies. Their breathing at almost same pace,a smile on their faces. They wouldnt trade anything for this. They were in love.

And always will be.

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