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"JUGHEAD JONES!" A feminine voice yelled. I turned my head to where it was coming from. A blonde haired girl from my high school stood in the doorway of the bar.

"Betty Cooper." I said coolly as the men surrounding the table I was playing pool at dispersed to reveal to her where I am. "What brings you to the dreaded Southside Serpent's?"

"Ha. You mean a small gathering of dumb people who don't get enough kick out of their lives so they get drunk at this dump and mess around town like a couple of douches?"


"I think you know why Im here. You can't avoid it much longer."

"Is our break up really something you should waste your time on. Don't you have a new boyfriend now?"

"You know that's not what Im talking about. And if you really care about that, I don't."

"Right. Sorry?"

"No time for sorry Jughead. Just admit what you did."

"I didn't do anything though?"

"I'll expose the Serpent's drug dealing, and believe me that's the least painful punishment."

"You wouldn't."

"Why not?"

"You don't have it in you."

"You're more of an idiot than I thought if you actually believe that. My dad was the Blackhood, my grandpa murdered an innocent family in cold blood, my uncle killed his own son.... do you need any more examples because I could go on?"

"You still don't have it in you."

"Do you want me to go Cooper on you?" She slowly walked towards me. "Ever heard that saying 'its always the ones you least expect?' That's me. Im giving you a fucking heads up Jughead. Take it. You're gonna need it. Because what Im gonna do will be so much worse than what anyone in my family did. Worse than even Hiram. You better start preparations for a fight you'll never win. Even with these losers.

"Are you threatening me, Cooper?" I asked, letting my darkness take over like she had hers, "You're not the only one with a dark side."

"Get your head out of the clouds, Jones. Unless you want me to stuff it and hang it above my fireplace." Betty replied; her unnervingly calm demeanor never once faltering as she dramatically walked out of the bar. She didn't let me go dark on her. How fucking rude.

"You want us to follow her sir?" One of my men asked.

"No." I said a little to harshly than I meant to.

"Okay boss."

The next thing I know, my pool stick has been snapped in half over my knee and chucked at the wall like a knife, both ends piercing opposite walls. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

"WHAT?" I snapped. They all scrambled to look away. I stalked into my office before I could make more of a scene.

I swiped my arms across the surface of my desk, knocking everything into oblivion across the room. I walked to my bookshelf and launched books this way and that before slamming the whole bookcase on the floor.

Nobody temps my darkness and then leaves it fucking hanging. Nobody.

I kicked a pile of junk in front of me and stormed out of the bar to a place I never thought I'd end up.

The gym.

I punched and punched and punched that stupid red bag all night long. I could just keep going. I didn't expect to last so long but here I am. 2 in the morning and I feel good as new. My anger has slightly subsided. I did not know I even had anger management issues.

Bughead Oneshots ✔️Where stories live. Discover now