Disclaimer (November 2020)

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WARNING: This book is unedited and extremely cringy. There are mature themes, sexual, violent, and emotional. Read at your own risk.

I wanted to thank you all so much for following me on this incredible journey!

I started this book back in 2018, when I was a wee little baby 15 year old. Riverdale was the only tv show I had actively watched in a long time (considering I don't ever watch tv). Naturally, I became a little obsessed. I discovered Wattpad around the same time and had been reading solely Bughead fanfics and figured I'd try to write one too. I never could have comprehended how gruesome and difficult writing something new about something that is already so creatively amazing could be. I didn't want to give up, but the story I wanted to tell just wouldn't transfer to words. I settled to compromise with a book of oneshots, which is what you are reading now.

For the rest of the year and well into the next, I committed myself to writing these oneshots. Throughout reading this you will see my writing style get significantly better, but you will also see my obsession with Riverdale wither and die. Sadly, I no longer watch Riverdale, specifically since the beginning of season 4, and probably will never watch it again. I've grown as a person since then and, in my opinion, Riverdale is no longer a good show.

That being said, I continued to work in this book, refusing to let my comitment falter because I no longer enjoyed the show. However, it is much shorter than I originally anticipated it to be. I hope I will make up for that with the content of each little story.

Thank you again. I hope you enjoy!

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