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"Perfection is only the bare minimum

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"Perfection is only the bare minimum."

Yewon groaned as she landed face first on her giant bed. She was finally out of her traditional royal attire and into her nightgown.

She rolled around and sighed as she looked at the see-through canopy of her bed. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Sometimes being a princess can take a lot out of you.

A ding was heard from her phone. She slowly moved towards her bedside table where her phone was at. Even though Yewon doesn't have any official accounts for social media and such, she was allowed to have a private one that doesn't use her royal information.

It was an article on the news. From Jung Enterprises.

"Eunbi's article!"

She opened the notification and read the title.

Princess Kim Yewon to be Heir to the Throne
By Journalist Hwang Eunbi

Yewon read through the text with great focus. Once she was at the last sentence, she was surprised.

Although her young age and being the youngest of her siblings, she is said to be very responsible and mature, the people of South Korea hope she does a great job leading once it's her time to take over the throne.

"The people...they really are counting on me..that's pretty cool.."

She smiled and yawned. She turned off her phone and stretched. She stood up to go turn off her light when she heard a knock on her door. She opened the door to find one of the servants standing straight.

"Princess Yewon. Empress Kim requires your presence in her bedroom."

He said to the young girl. Yewon nodded and smiled. She put on her slippers and walked down the long hallways towards her mother's shared bedroom with her father. He was doing some other work at the moment in his office.

She knocked the door gently.


She poked her head through the side of the door. The older woman smiled and gestured her daughter to come closer. Yewon closed the door behind her and went towards her mother.

"You called me?"

"I am here to give you some advice. For when you take my position of course."

"Will I have to marry someone in order to take over? I really do not feel ready yet mother.."

"I will try to work something out with your father about who will be emperor...or if there will be any at all."

Emperor. Why emperor? Yewon thought. What she hasn't told her parents is that she is currently questioning her sexuality. Especially after her encounter with Eunbi earlier, she felt that she was very attractive.

"What will I need to know in order to become a great leader?"

Yewon said as she sat next to her mother on her large bed. The woman hummed and looked up.

"You will need to respect everyone's opinions...have an open mind. But most importantly, keep your country safe and stable financially. No one would want a corrupt leader now would they?"

"No. I will not be like my siblings...they..are.."

"Spoiled? Yes indeed. They would bring the country down in seconds. We tried hard not to make them this way but...you know how your aunt and uncle are. They brainwashed them. You were kept safe from them, and that is why you were chosen. You stay humble and mature."

Yewon smiled and her mother hugged her gently.

"You will do marvelous things my small daughter."

"Thank you mother."

"The pleasure is all mine."


Eunbi unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of her car, bag in hand. She walked towards her house's front door. She unlocked the door and entered. She took off her shoes and walked towards the living room.

She plopped down her things on the coffee table and walked towards the kitchen. She began to sing a song as she was getting food ready.

"Before I let go of you, I didn't know that the world I am in was this lonely.
Pretty flowers bloomed and withered here the season of you will never come again..."

Eunbi stopped what she was doing but kept singing. A bit louder.

"I started to become greedy~
I wanted to live with you, grow old with you.
Hold your wrinkled hands and say how warm my life was."

Eunbi felt her eyes beginning to fill with tears. She began to sing even louder.

"Forget everything and move on because I will go to you when your breath calls out to me again."

She began to sing her heart out as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Some day, we'll meet again and it'll be the happiest day
I will go to you like the first snow."

She began to cry harder and held her hands to her face.

"Yewon...I miss you..please come back and talk to me again...just like old times...you don't even remember me!!"

Eunbi sobbed and closed her eyes tightly.

"I never got to tell you how much I loved you..."

Royal Bonds ✔️// K. Y. W x H. E. B Where stories live. Discover now