You Deserve

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..Yo Yo Yo Wassuph People. My Name is Annesha Marie Hudson, but my Friends call me Nesha. Im 5"3. I Have light brown eyes. Im Light skin with shoulder length black curly hair.and not to forget i have alot of tattoos.I Live in Atlanta with my Dad and sister. I am 20 years old and I graduated from college to be a Doctor Even though I went to college, I really want to be a Singer ! Anywho I have a job as a Stripper! Even thoe i graduated from school, it was hard to get a job and i never really had time to look for one with my dad always wanting me at home.

Now Moving along. As i said before i live with my dad and my older sister Kim! My dad is dieing slowly from drugs! When i was young he would always come home drunk or high and beat on me. Sadly....i haven't told anyone! He Stills try to touch Me to this very day and when he try i fight back, because IM not that little girl any more! i know what you all are saying 'Why wont i move out'.  Well i would if i could but i don't want to leave my sister here to take care of my dad alone! BTW he is always getting sick but he refuses to go to a doctor!

Enough about him! My sister Kim Is very cool. She just moved in with us about a week ago! She looks like me a little but she is much prettier than me...That's what people say! and you know its true if my Friend August thinks she is cute! but i don't think he will disrespect me go out with her. I mean wouldn't care if he did. Anyways she is the same age as me but she isn't my real sister! When my dad was with my mom he got her and Kim's mom pregnant at the same time! So that makes her my step sister!  Kim now lives with us because her mom died but she is still in college to be a nurse!

Now Enough of that.......I Have a really annoying ass best friend! His name is August Alsina!  We've known each other since grade school! He is trying to get into the fame for singing! That's all he does! but other than that, me and him are together fooling around! I Remember When we first met, We where in Kindergarten and I was Siting beside him and he came out of no Where and kissed me! Lol Typical August..But i gotta love him.

This Is My Life And Please Don't judge me.!!




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