Tears roll down my cheeks
As I stare at pink sheets
I'm curled in a ball,
Trapped between grey wallsIsolated from everyone
I'm just exhausted and doneHow are you?
Are you getting relief?
You have to push throughBut why can't I just sleep?
It's like my pain isn't enough
My 7 is anyone else's 12I lay nauseous and awake
Heat on my stomach
Earbuds in, trying to shut it out
Tears roll down my cheeksFuck, what happened to me?
I can't stop crying
And maybe it's because I feel
Like I'm lying
I'm guilty, lost in agonyIf only she could see
Clutching my stomach,
Gasping for breath
I'm not okay,
Something's not rightAnd then I'm crying,
Sighing because I hate this
I hate crying, hate lyingAll I wanted was to be better
But instead I'm miserable and bitterThis isn't me
But who I was might be lost in a dreamMaybe you should talk to someone,
You know, like therapyIt's three years old,
But now there's memories
Almost like PTSDAnd then I'm guilty,
I never served,
I wasn't in the militaryBut the memories make it so hard to breathe
All I want is relief
Something to take away from
The crushing feeling
Something to dull my pain,
Make me feel saneRelief
Why can't it be brief?
Why is it so hard to find?You know, you have to think of the positive
If you think of the negative,
Bad things will find youBut they've already found me
So I'm young and bitterOh, relief
You're such an idealized dream