01. Scorpion

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   The wind blew my hair back as I flew over the water

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   The wind blew my hair back as I flew over the water. The feeling of flying was something I would never get used to. The wind, the way my skin felt as it jetted through the air. I loved this feeling. My target was under me, the large ship that held many hostages. I landed on the landing pad of the ship looking around for anyone. It was almost like a ghost town. I listened closely only hearing faint footsteps below me. I turned when I heard grunting. I furrowed my eyebrows before I jumped from the landing pad down to where I saw a man in red, white and blue taking down most of the men. One went to shoot at him but I grabbed the barrel of the gun when a shot was fired causing the gun to backfire. I then pulled it out of his hands before backhanding him. I turned elbowing another in the face with immense strength putting him down in one go. I turned to look at the man once more as he stared at me with intense eyes. I nodded before leaping up into the sky to look for more trouble. 

   The man kept pace with me as he ran below me, I furrowed my eyebrows once more. Who was this man? I watched him use his fist to punch men that he ran past. I landed running to roundhouse kick man. The gun went flying from his hands before I grabbed his shoulders and smashed my head into his before letting him go. He fell to the floor. I felt a knife bend against my skin. I looked up at the men who looked up at my face terrified. I grabbed his jacket before threw him causing him to hit the wall and fall to the floor. I then turned using my cape to wrap around someone else's gun and pulling roughly causing the gun to fly and hit someone in the stomach. I turned back to the guy who's gun I had taken and punched him in the face. I turned to see the guy I had thrown tried to reach the fire alarm. I glared before the heat built up in my eyes and zapped his hand causing him to yelp out in pain loudly. 

   The American flag opened the door and started to beat other men down. I watched as he stopped when a gun was pointed at his throat. I went to step in but a shot hit him and he fell. Men all around on parachutes landed "Thanks," His voice came out fluid, I stared, my eyes adverting between the men.

   "Because you were so helpless without me," The man who shot the guy said he looked at me 

   "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you she seems kinda nice," The redhead said after she landed the started walking the opposite direction from me. I stood awkwardly trying to decide if I should follow. 

   "Secure the engine room and then find me a date," The flag spoke to the women 

   "I'm multitasking," She spoke before jumping over the railing. He took off in a run, I jumped after him, whoever he was he had more information about what we were dealing with. He used a gun that looked a lot like a taser and shot it on to the glass leaving a black object on the glass. I floated in the air before landing on the landing of the stairs watching the man as he listened to his earpiece. I listened in to the coms though I strained a bit. 

   "Natasha what's your status?" he whispered speaking to someone I could assume was the redhead from earlier. "Status Natasha," he tried again when he didn't get an answer.

   "Hang on," I heard some grunting before I heard her answer "Engine room secure," 

   I saw him nod his head before he spoke again "On my mark," He said I had no idea what was gonna go down. I looked around waiting for whatever was going to happen. "3...2...1..." he counted I could hear the gunshots and an explosion. He took off once more and I followed. Does this guy have no regard for the help? I watched him throw his shield through the window causing it to shatter. I leaped into the air and flew through the shattered glass. 

   When I get in I see the man grabbing his shield and take off running. I followed behind him listening to him speak before grabbing the foot of the man who went to attack him. "Go," was the sole thing I said before I turned to the man again twisting his foot causing him to fall to the floor. When he fell I moved but before I could do anything he kicked one of my knees causing me to fall into a kneeling position. He took the second to stand. I blocked as he threw punches. He went to kick but I grabbed his leg pushing it down before I grabbed his jacket throwing him. He landed on the ground rolling before standing.

   "Qui es-tu?" He asked speaking french 

   "Scorpion," I answered he advanced once more I dodged grabbing his body kneeing him multiple times with almost all of my strength. When he was doubled over I elbowed him at the base of his head. I then threw his body causing him to land unconscious into the door. I furrowed my brows when I could hear the clicking of the keys and slight arguing. I walked into the room to the redhead and the American flag arguing. 

   "No that's your mission and you've done it beautifully," The redhead said taking the flash drive about to walk away when the American flag grabbed her bicep.

   "You just jeopardized the whole operation," He argued 

   "That's overstating things," The redhead replied when the man I had downed stood to throw a grenade. The American flag used his shield to hit the explosive. I sped to it as the left the room I lifted my cape to minimize the damage. The windows exploded but the damage was minimal. I heard her mumble "Okay that one is on me," 

   "You're damn right," I heard him reply before standing I looked up my suit covered in soot. I frowned at the black dust before looking up at the blonde man. "Who the hell are you?" He asked 

   "Scorpion," I answered "Hostages clear?" He nodded I sighed "Well I will be going now," I said before I turned taking a leap out of the window and flying away. 

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