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According to popular opinion, Jennie Kim was a bitch.

It's how everyone described her these days. Even before getting expelled from this damn school, she had a sharpness to her that would slip out if she wasn't careful. And whenever she would try to repress it, her old friends always said the exact same things.

"I find it endearing!"

"You don't need to hold back!"

"It's your charm, Jen!"

Yeah, cause being a bitch is so fucking charming.

Deep down, she wanted to believe them. She wanted to believe she could be herself without being judged or criticized by others. She wanted to believe she was just a blunt person by nature. Not bitchy, just honest. But Jennie knew better. Her mother was the exact same way after all, and Jennie despised her mother.

So she worked day and night to control her image. And, not to toot her own horn or anything, but Jennie Kim became extremely good at controlling her image. Before getting expelled, she practically had the entire school wrapped around her finger. Always making good grades, smiling 'oh so sweetly' when others spoke to her, wearing a uniform that delicately complimented her figure, approaching teachers with just the proper amount of eagerness...

The second day of her expulsion was the day she realized that was all bullshit. Sucking up to teachers and playing the role of a model student?

That wasn't Jennie Kim at all.

Admitting that she's a bitch is probably the best and worst thing she could have ever done for herself. But like the role of a model student, the role of a bitch came with its own image that needed to be maintained. Lord knows how much Jennie loved maintaining herself. Sure, she may have had most of the equipment to start with, but she still had to bluff a few small details in order to keep her reputation.

Her virginity being one of those small details.

Being a virgin came with its own set of stereotypes. People usually looked at them with a different lens from the rest of the world. Pure and virtuous, with little experience and knowledge of the world. Not exactly things she wanted associated with her new reputation, so she tried her best to hide that fact.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?"

Those 5 words kept echoing inside of Jennie's head, almost as if she had no other coherent thoughts aside from that one small sentence. Had she heard him correctly? The brunette stared back at him with offended orbs, too dumbstruck by his question to keep up her menacing glare.

"Do I look like a fucking virgin to you?"

"Yeah, s'why I fucking said it." He slurred back. The other classmates were most definitely listening, since the chatter in the room suddenly quieted down.

"Are you drunk?" It was the only comeback she could think of on such short notice. The guy lifted his shoulders to his ears in an annoyed shrug, eyes pushing closed from the sleepiness he was obviously still trying to shake off.

"I dunno. Does being fucking pissed count as being drunk?"

"Uh, no?"

"Then I am definitely not drunk."

She blinked once. Then twice.

"Lisa, who the fuck is this guy?"

Lisa, who had been gazing at the situation as if she was watching the most dramatic scene in a soap opera, grinned with a cheesy smile signature to her person.

"Girl, that's Min Yoongi. He like, kind of a big deal?"


"Appearantly he's like one of the smartest guys in our school. Definitely the smartest from the shacks."

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