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After being invited in by Paul and Jake, drinking some tea and calming down, I decided to say what was wrong.

"Actually, there's a reason why I came here. A very important one."

Jake nodded.

"What's that?"

"My parents will kick me out if they know."

"Know what?"

A sudden lump had formed in my throat.

"That I'm... I, uh... Ikissedaguyandpushedhimawayandwenthomeandcriedbecausenowiknowimgay."

They both looked seriously confused.

Okay, time for confession two-point-oh.

"I made out with a guy at a party. Then I realised what I was doing and ran home to think about it. I just know that it felt one million and one times better than kissing a girl. And then I thought about it some more, and realised that I'm gay. And my parents are crazy gay haters. I just feel like I've failed them."

I realised that last part could be considered rude.

"No offense."

They stared at me for a while until Paul finally said "None taken. I felt the same, until I met Jake." He ruffled Jake's ginger hair. "And look at us now! As for your parents, I can understand that. They've shouted many a homophobic remark at us. Although, quite a few people have. I have bad news, though."

I gulped. "What's that?"

"Once you find out, it's impossible to live in the closet. It'll be easy for a few months. But it gets harder, and harder, until you just can't take it anymore."

"I know"

My head turned to the direction of the new voice. I took in the blond hair, ear piercing, the tanned skin of the person on the stairs. My body went numb as I realised.

It was the guy from the party.

Flightless bird, American mouth (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now