Chapter 2: family

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"Say that again?" Sam says to me with an odd look that I can't quite place. "John Winchester, he was a hunter and he's my biological father." I say to him. I sit on the couch in the house as Dean opens the letter feverishly and reads it over.

"Dad really got around huh?" Dean says as a joke but he's pissed. "Wait dad?" I ask. "He sis." Sam says quietly. Dean motions sam into the kitchen, but I can hear every word they say.

"No, no, no Sam! We can't take her with us!" Dean yells. "Dad says we have to." Sam replies calmly. "I don't care she's our sister, we don't know her! She could be with Crowley!" Dean retorts. "Dad said she's "special" and Crowley will want her but he can have her." Sam says in a monotone voice.

Dean stomps back into the living room where I sit. "You, how old are you?" Dean asks. "16 and 'you' has a name." I reply. He rolls his eyes. "16?! You are way to young to be hunting!" Dean yells. "Dean calm down." Sam sighs. "Do you know what this letter was about?" Sam asks me calmly. "No I was told never to read it." I reply.

Sam and Dean look at each other and do some sort of non verbal communication with their eyes. "You are going to have to come with us Jenna, you have to live with us now." Sam says as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I nod and follow them out.

We go out to a gorgeous black car. "Wow an impala?" I ask. How could a hunter afford this? We don't exactly make a lot of money. "Yeah, don't scratch it." He mutters to me. Why the hell does he hate me so much?

The entire ride was silent, no one spoke a word. Dean looks pissed Sam looks conflicted and I'm not sure how to feel. They are my new brothers/ guardians, and Dean hates me and I'm not sure about Sam.

We pull up to a little door. This place is puny. "It's bigger than It looks." Sam says with a forced smile. I smile and nod and we walk in.

This place is like a secret lair. It's got a kitchen, bedrooms and a huge library, probably full of paranormal lore books. I already like this place. "So you guys live here?" I ask. Hunters usually don't get to settle down much.

"Yeah. This was a 'Men of Letters' bunker, and now it's ours." Dean says. I nod and keep looking around, until I hear a strange noise, a flapping almost.

"Hello Sam and Dean." Hear a voice say. I turn around to see a blue eyed man in a trench coat. "What the hell." I yell as I throw salt at it. "What is the girl doing?" He asks confused.

I pull out a silver knife at point it at the creature. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Jenna, this is Castiel, he's an angel." Sam tells me. "Ha! Yeah right. Angels aren't real!" I say, still pointing the knife. "Jenna put the damn knife down." Dean says as he takes it from me. I feel vulnerable against the 'angel'.

"So who is the girl?" Castiel asks. I take a good look at him, black hair, stubble, and a suit. I find it funny that an angel is wearing a suit. "Cas, meet our sister." Dean says with sarcasm. "Hello Jenna." He says as he awkwardly shakes my hand

"Cas can you help us?" Dean asks. Castiel nods. "Dad said she's 'special' and that we need to keep her alive at all costs. What the hell is he talking about?" Dean explains. Cas looks at him, then back at me. "I'm not sure. I could look in her soul." Cas offers. I wonder how he'll do that.

"Whoa no way. She's just a kid." Sam pleas. "Sammy, we have to, and she's a hunter, she'll be fine." Dean says. "Dean there has to be another way to do this."Sam says, he looks sad maybe? I can't place the look. Dean shakes his head and they come at me.

I'm now tied in a chair. "I don't think you need to tie me up." I say to dean as he tightens the rope on my ankles. "Trust me we do." He says. "I'm so sorry." Sam says as he pats the top of my head.

Castiel comes and stands next to me, and begins to undo his belt. "What the hell?!" I yells as I try to scoot away. Deans hands hold the chair down. "Calm the hell down Jenna, it's not like that." He says to me as if I'm being a child. I can't stand how he treats me.

Castiel takes the belt and puts it in my mouth. "You'll want to bite down on that." He says softly, his eyes full of remorse. I look at Sam with a worried expression, and then castiel's hand goes into my stomach.

I scream and cry. This is the worst pain I have ever been in. "Stop crying. Hunters don't cry." Dean says. "Leave her be Dean. She's a 16 year old girl." Sam says softly. Finally castiel's arm leaves me.

They untie me and I fall on the floor, wheezing. "Done yet?" Dean asks. I look at him with a hateful glare. "Her soul, it was.... Different." Castiel says.

"What dose that mean?" I ask once I can talk again. "I'm not sure. This is all very curious." He says. "What do we do?" Sam asks. "I can ask around, see if any angels know about her." Cas says, and with that he's gone.

"Come with me, I'll show you to your room." Dean says. I don't like that he hates me, this isn't fair. I know that I came out of nowhere and into his life but that's not my fault.

He stops at a door and opens it. "Okay this is your room and you can do what ever you want, but done bring any guys in here." He says. I roll my eyes, I wouldn't so that. With that, Dean leaves and I go in my room.

It's got a few dressers, and a bed with a pink comforter. I place my clothes in the drawers and I place a picture of me and my mom on the bedside table. I lay in my bed and try to get some sleep.

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