two halves of one heart

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[ a/n: suuuuper short oneshot, i'm sorry i've been writing less.
this is long overdue. inspired by my friends beaaaauutiful artwork.. i hope u like it.
love u virtuevalentine ♡♡]

When you're living with someone, you can say goodbye to privacy

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When you're living with someone, you can say goodbye to privacy. Your roommate sees you at your worst, your best and everything in between. It's just an added bonus when your roommate is also your partner. They'll see you from the very second you wake up, when you're unwell, upset or in a bad mood. And you both put up with it, because it's worth it. You love each other and are happy together and never want to be apart.

Gerard and Frank had been living together for several months now in an apartment that was the perfect size for them.. at the time. Things got cluttered now, their one bathroom was an absolute disaster and there was always some kind of mess to trip over in the hallway or to pick up in the kitchen. Bumping into each other constantly when they were trying to get ready at the same time, which always caused a bit of bickering. It never sparked a full fledged fight, just some petty comments spat back and forth. Maybe a door slam, but that was it.

Today, the couple was having a lazy day. Frank sitting on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table and Gerard laying with his head in his lap, his fingers twisting in the thread of Frank's ripped jeans while Frank absentmindedly played with his boyfriend's hair. Reruns of Friends playing quietly on the tv.

"I think I want to dye my hair again." Gerard suddenly said, rolling on to his back so he could stare up at his boyfriend.

"Really? What color did you have in mind?" Frank wasn't one hundred percent sold on the comment yet, Gerard always played around with his hair so often and had ideas he didn't always go through with.

"Mm.. I was thinking something bright. Vibrant. Y'know, new year new me." He spoke dreamily as his mind wandered, there were so many possibilities but he'd definitely have to strip his hair first. Looking up, Gerard pouted at the expression on Frank's face, jabbing a finger in the center of his chest. "Hey, don't laugh at me!"

"Gerard, it's the middle of the year." Frank laughed, shaking his head for a moment. "I'm not laughing at your idea, just your reasoning. Would you like to run to the beauty store then?" He asked his boyfriend, combing his hair back comfortingly. It would take some time getting used to something that wasn't his usual black. Gerard got bored with his hair and enjoyed expressing himself in every way he possibly could, by how he dressed, his hair or how he'd present himself. But for some reason, he always went back to the black hair in the end. Gerard nodded with an excited smile on his face and the two got up off the couch to start their activities for the day.

~ ~ ~

Bleaching and stripping Gerard's hair was a nightmare. He complained about how warm it got on his head and how itchy it was, not sitting still when Frank was applying it. Complaining that he missed a few spots when he inspected his work in the mirror. Gerard decided on dying his hair red and nominated Frank to assist him. They didn't realize until they got home and already started that they forgot to grab gloves.

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