Just A Spark {17}

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                We approached Ezra’s house and he led me around to the side. “We’re going up and in,” he said, swinging his body up.

                I sighed and carefully followed Ezra up the side of his house. He pushed his window open and slid in. I copied him and he shut the window.

                “They might not be at it anymore,” he mumbled to himself, creeping over to his door and pressing his ear against it.

                But then there was the sound of shattering glass and Ezra jumped in shock. His breathing became a little harsher and he backed away from the door which, I noticed, was locked.


                The voice drifted up from downstairs. Ezra winced and continued to back up, nearly running into me. I put my hands on his shoulders to stop him before he backed right out of the damn house.

                “You broke the glass! Why can’t you be more careful?” I realized it was his mom’s voice screaming.

                “Oh, don’t start yelling at me!” This time it was his dad’s voice. “You know, this is your damn fault!”

                “Oh, yea, I turned Ezra gay!” Mrs. Carelli snapped. “Says his fucking father!”

                “He’s always been wild, but you hated it when I slapped him or spanked him because it was ‘abusive’. You know what’s abuse? Beating the shit out of him. I never would’ve hurt him seriously, just made his cheeks sting. Now look at him. He’s out of control!” Mr. Carelli yelled.

                “How would you know? You’re never even around!” Mrs. Carelli yelled back. “You’re always away for work! Maybe he’s just acting out for attention since his worthless father doesn’t give him any!”

                “Don’t call me worthless. It’s not my fault his mother is a bitch!” Mr. Carelli shouted.

                Ezra shrank against me, covering his ears. “Stop fighting,” he whispered, his body trembling.

                I put my arms around him, holding him close. “Ezra,” I said, gently pulling his hands away from his ears. “Ezra, do they fight a lot?”

                “All the time,” he choked out. “They always fight. It’s almost always over something I do. I can never do anything right. They hate me. My parents, my sister…my whole damn family. They always start fighting. I broke my home, Rio.” His voice was a whimper now. “I broke my home. They always fight. Everyone thinks I have this perfect home life because they put on this great act. But no one knows what happens when there aren’t any guests.”

                “You didn’t break your family,” I said.

                “Yes I did!” he cried. “I did and I hate it! I’m almost always the reason they start fighting! Rachel rarely ever gets them to start a fight over something she’s done.” He trembled against me. “I want to leave. Can we leave?”

                The screaming was so loud now that the house was shaking with it. Ezra winced and covered his ears, pressing his hands against them with brutal force.

                “I want to leave,” he repeated, his voice pleading.

                I opened his window and he gratefully crawled out. I followed after him and shut the window. I followed him down the side of the house and he pulled me along after him, basically sprinting away.

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