Just A Spark {19}

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                I cracked my eyes open as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked around, disoriented. My head was on Ezra’s lap, and he was leaning against my wall, fast asleep.

                I pulled out my phone. “Hello?” I mumbled, fixing my crooked glasses.

                “You never called me back,” Trevor said. “Patrick and I are at the trailers.”

                I yawned. “I’m pretty tired. I’m not coming out tonight,” I said, rubbing my eyes. “Plus, Ezra is here.”

                “Who’s Ezra?” he asked in confusion.

                “Oh, oops. I forgot tell you about that. I have a boyfriend,” I said, keeping my voice down so that I wouldn’t wake that boyfriend up.

                Trevor sighed. “Alright Rio. I’ll talk to you later.”

                “Keep safe out there and call me if something happens,” I said before hanging up.

                I pulled my glasses off and set them on my nightstand. I curled up, my head still in Ezra’s lap.

                I closed my eyes and pulled the covers over myself. Ezra was breathing softly, and I reached out, taking his hand in mine, loving the warmth of it. I smiled a little and allowed myself to drift back off to sleep.


                I opened my eyes and looked around, rubbing my eyes. My head was still in Ezra’s lap, and I could feel him playing with my hair.

                “Good morning!” he said cheerfully.

                “Morning,” I mumbled, sitting up. My stomach growled and I sighed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

                “Uh…Rio? I think you’re forgetting something,” Ezra said, laughing.

                “I think I’m hungry,” I said and left my room. Ezra followed after me.

                We entered the kitchen and I walked towards the table. Someone grabbed me, lifting me off of my feet and swinging me away.

                “What the hell?” I said in annoyance.

                “You were about to step on a knife you idiot!” Hank said as he set me down. “Where are you glasses? God, you’re such a pain in the ass!”

                I reached up, feeling my face. “Oops.”

                “I told you that you were forgetting something,” Ezra said as he put my glasses on my face for me. The world cleared and I realized that there was indeed a very sharp knife on the floor where I had been walking.

                Hank went over and picked it up, tossing it into the sink. Mom came into the room and smiled at us.

                “Good morning boys!” she said.

                “I almost stepped on a knife. It is not a good morning,” I said, sitting down. Ezra sat next to me and Hank sat across from us.

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