Chapter Five.

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"Can we be friends again?"


Wait, what now?

"Friends?" I ask out of confusion.

He nods, seeming desperate. "Yeah. I'll tell you every single thing in the cafeteria if you want. But only if you decide to be my friend again."

I sigh and rub my head.

I like K-Dramas, but this drama is more than what I can take.

"Well, okay. I guess."

He smiles and squeezes my hand.

"You're the best, Y/N! Thank you so much!"

Tch. His mood really changes rather rapidly.

Mr. Hwi enters the classroom and silence takes over the room.

That blue file he's holding...

Oh, no.

"Morning, students." He booms, adjusting his glasses. "Yes, as you might be wondering, I have some important announcements in this file."

He opens it and begins to read out.

"Your science department will now be having tests. These tests do not have any impact on your final grades, but they do count in your report card. That means, no more arts classes."

I don't know what to say.

"Not just tests. There is homework, assignments and group projects. Actually, the first one is a group project. All of you will have to make a model on the solar system. Very simple? You also have to use customised lights for each planet, determining where it is located from the sun."

The students groan. I thought it was easy. Guess I was wrong.

"You will also have to do this in teams of two, making it harder. In your groups of four, divide yourselves."

The class begins to talk among themselves. Mr. Hwi walks over to our bench.

"As for you two, I came to know about Taehyung sickness. He'll be off for some time. So, both of you have to work together."

I cringe and look at Jeongguk, but he's beaming.

"Yes, sir!" Jeongguk says excitedly.

Mr. Hwi smiles and leaves.

I feel an elbow nudging me.

"Ow, Jeongguk. That hurts."

He giggles. "Sowwy. Anyways, are you excited?" He claps his hands happily.

This guy turned from a tiger into a kitten.

"A little. Tensed, too." I say. He pats my back. "That's okay. It's normal. So! When will we start?"

I open my mouth to say something, but Mr. Hwi interrupts me.

"To make things worse, turns out you have to submit it in a week."

Everyone gasps.

A week?


"We can't do it in that time!" I say, frowning. Jeongguk smiles. "We'll do it. Just because others can't, doesn't mean we can't, either. Let's try!"

Why is he so positive?

Is this Nickelodeon?

"Okay." I nod, still in despair.

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