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Chapter 7

Forth was happy that he and Pha had finally buried their differences, and were now friends again. With this Forth had the boldness to tell Pha about his feelings for one of his best friends.... Beam. To his surprise his confession didn't land him some beating from Pha ...

(AN: as if he could anyway...;3).


"But why didn't you tell me this earlier? We just could have still stayed as normal friends like always, you idiot! And you are telling me now that all the fights we've had were for nothing? Boy, what's wrong with you!?", Pha angrily scolded Forth, although he was relieved as well.

"I'm sorry Pha I didn't mean to...". Forth tried to explain, but Pha cut him off: "But what?''. "I didn't' know what I was thinking... I actually thought I had feelings for Yo, but the more I got closer to him, the more I realised that I only liked him like a younger brother"

Forth struggled to explain: "Pha ... you know ... I've finally realised that I don't like Yo the same way... I like Beam....". "Pha, ... I think ... I kind of ... really like Beam. I think he is perfect for me. I admit I've never been in love before, and I may not know what love is, but I just know that I love him! ... I feel it!''

Forth sighed and looked at the floor, he almost told Pha about the incidence between him and Beam the other night. He knew if he mentioned it, Pha would definitely beat the shit out of him, so he left that part out of his story.

Pha sighed and patted his Forth's shoulder assuringly. ''Fine, I'll root for you and Beam! You can give your best shot at him, but don't you dare hurt my best friend! Not him, nor his body, nor his feelings!'' Then he winked at forth, and both of them chuckled at Pha's perverted point.

***End of the Flashback:

Forth's POV

So, I really did it... I told Pha everything without being beaten up by him!? Well, to be honest I'm not sure he would have dared...cuz he can't beat me up anyway!

Wait! There's one more important thing missing ... Beam... I have to apologise to Beam ... but where is he now? If I don't do this immediately, he may never speak to me again, let alone look at my face! Wish the ground could open up and just swallow me down... I want to die right now!

I sighed and laid down on my bed. I couldn't concentrate on any longer. I was completely lost in my own thoughts, and gradually drifted off into dreamland.

Suddenly, I heard a certain sound at my door. I jumped up quickly, squinting my eyes so the sleep could disappear.

My doorbell was ringing. Who could it be at this time of the day? "Soo freaky annoying that someone would try to interrupt my sweet sleep". What's more whoever this person is has his finger pressed on the bell without releasing it, making this fucking bell ring non-stop. I got down from my bed and went to open the door. A sudden punch landed straight on my face that made me stagger backwards gritting my teeth in pain. I lifted up my head to see which creature just hit me.

I froze on the spot immediately when I beheld the face before me...

(ouch...this kind of punch is very painful... sorry Forth)

Beam's POV

For a while I was stuck in my own thoughts. "Shit! I need to get back to concentrating on what I'm studying" "... hahaha .... okay I just killed myself with that lie... Can't seem to get what happened between Forth and I out of my mind...

"Come on Beam don't be like this!", I thought to myself, and gave myself some double slaps to help me stay focused.

"How can I get back to checking out on more girls?! ... Forth seems to be occupying my mind gradually.... "Maybe I'm player!? ... well I don't look like one either!?" Anyways After what happened with Forth, I've been having this different feeling. But and I really need to get these thoughts out of my head. I decided to talk to Pha. He will be able to give me some good advice!

Pha and I are in my room sitting on the couch. I don't know where to start from. I took a deep breath, looked at Pha and slowly began to tell him my story about what happened between Forth and I, and how I've been feeling afterwards. I had never felt so weak and helpless in my life like that night. Although part of me somewhat enjoyed Forth's lips kissing me yet part of me got so scared that Forth would do something to me...

(AN: It's not like Forth was going to eat you up Beam! please take a chill pill!)

And the worst part of it is that kiss. It sent all kinds of confusion gushing into my head even more! I mean I've always known that I was straight .... I've been with a lot of girls in the past. I've always been successfully at hitting on chicks, though nothing serious had ever come out of it... just a few flings here and there. How can one-night's kiss from another guy make me start questioning my gender preference in this whole like-love matter!?

After I finished telling Pha everything that was bothering me, he patted my head assuringly, then stood up and said, ''Beam I understand how you feel! But for now, you need to think about this issue carefully. Find out yourself who and what you really like or love... Who will you choose to be with? I know we are best friends, but I won't be able to make a choice for you on this matter. But I assure you, if it's Forth you like kindly forgive him and let this pass by. But incase Forth ever attacks you in like manner again for no reason, I will make that bastard pay!''. After saying this Pha got up and walked out of my room, leaving me in a state of total confusion.

Pha' POV

I rushed off to Forth's room. I've long suspected that this Idiot Forth has a thing for Beam, but how could he just throw himself at him like that. Poor Beam...That idiot was as drunk as a bee...how could he have controlled himself anyway?!

I think I should pump some sense into him. In fact, I'm really pissed off right now...But...well...shit happens...even among friends. Anyhow, he got me thinking...

I pressed the doorbell in front of his room and waited for some time, but there was no response. So I placed my forefinger on the bell for it ring continuously..... "In case that Idiot of a Forth is in dreamland he should bounce back to life", I thought to myself. I stood waiting for him to open the door ....


2moons Hard Love! (Remake Of My 2 Moons Deep In Love Book!)Where stories live. Discover now