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Chapter 11

Kit's POV

I tried to push him away, but he's just too strong... My teary eyes meet his and his deep brown eyes widened in shock as he pulled away from the kiss. Both of us were breathing slowly yet heavily.

Before I could say anything, Ming pulled me into his embrace, his strong arms draped around my waist as he softly spoke ''Kit I'm so sorry... don't be sad ... please! I .... really love you... I do!".

"I know I've been a player, I have been with many girls, but trust me they were just flings and nothing serious. What I feel for you is totally different. I will never play with you... you mean everything to me". Ming took in a deep breathe: "P'Kit! ... will you let me be your boyfriend, and to take care of you?''

I pulled out of his embrace, lifted up my head and looked into his eyes. They looked different from the usual that I always saw – full of affection, serious, searching, concerned and sad at the same time.

What caught my eyes most was that Ming's eyes showed genuine love and affection towards me.

''I ... I hate you'', I said at the same time pounding his chest with my fists. My voice had that surrendering tone which caused him to scoff and kiss me again.

Ming picked me up from the sofa on which we sat, my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands around his shoulder so I won't fall down. Ming carried me to my bed without breaking our kiss.

Suddenly I started to panic. It was my first time being treated in this manner: I was being carried by a guy, being kissed, someone telling me he loves me, in fact being this romantically intimate with another person. It was kinda embarrassing to me.

''Stop! Ming ... No!'' I said shyly. At this point our kissing had begun to intensify, my back was already on the bed and he was on top of me, his mouth fighting mine like a starved lion devouring his prey.

He seemed to be enjoying the moment, and couldn't care about my pleading to let me go. Honestly his kisses although kinda rough yet were very passionate.

He paused, then gently looked into my eyes and softly said, ''Kit I know it's your first time! I promise you I'll be gentle okay?''

"What!? Did this boy say ... he would be gentle with me because it was my first time? What does he mean? What is trying to do to me?"

Fear gripped me instantly, so much so that I freed myself from under him and run out of my room. Ming didn't dare hold me back, neither did he chase me. He just straightened himself up sitting on the bed and held his face in his palms.

This is so embarrassing, Gosh!! How did he know I've never done anything like this before!?

After I dashed out of my room, I hurriedly headed towards Beam's room, which was on the side of our floor. On the corridor I spotted Beam standing by the wall, so I doubled my steps towards his direction.

But before I could get to where Beam was standing, Forth was already standing in front him holding on to Beam's arms which were folded on his chest. Forth was saying something to Beam, and Beam was standing still looking into his eyes.

While I was getting closer Forth's voice became audible. I could hear what he was telling Beam. ''I'm very sorry about what happened the other night, Beam. I was drunk and I promise not to behave in that manner again". I realised Forth was apologising to Beam with a puppy expression.

Noticing the situation before me I stopped when I was almost close to them, thinking I should probably go back and allow them to finish talking. Later I could come back to see Beam.

But before I had finished thinking, Beam had turned away from Forth upon seeing me, and was heading towards me. Forth at this, realising that Beam had ignored him was struck with shock and silence. However, he quickly gave a cool smile in my direction when he noticed I was standing there.

Due to the Beam-forth scene I had just witnessed, I immediately calmed down, and in fact the reason for my hurry had almost disappeared from my head.

Before I opened my mouth to say anything else, I got picked up and thrown on someone's shoulder. like a sack of rice.

"Fuck! How did Ming make me land smoothly on his shoulder like that?"

(Me: babe Kitty! 😊 😉 😊 😊.... on behalf of all the readers we wish you a good luck as you lie on Mingy's shoulder. We can't wait to witness what becomes of you..)

Ming said hi to Beam, and then to Forth, who by this time was standing a few metres behind Beam. ''Oh, hello Ps nice to see you again''. I felt him wave at them and turned to walk away still hold me firmly on his shoulder.

At this juncture, since I had now been elevated from the floor and lying gloriously on this Idiot's shoulder, I was facing Beam and Forth, clearly seeing the shock and questionable looks on their faces. Their lips somehow opened, yet they couldn't manage to utter a single word.

Ming took me straight into my room, locked the door behind us, took out the key from the hole, and threw it on my table. Then he gently offloaded me unto the bed.

(Me: fanning myself......Let the action begin!)

I was so scared I didn't move a muscle "y... you can't do that ... i... it's rape, y... you know ... an attempt ... to ... rape ... without ... consent", I stammered.

Ming then held my face tightly in his palms so I could look into his eyes: ''Thank you for thinking so bad of me! Kitty ... It's true I get overly excited when I'm with you, and unable to control myself, but I'm not a monster as you think... I will never rape you, neither will I do anything stupid to you."

Then he released his hands and sat by me on the bed staring into my eyes.

"Damn!" I felt so ashamed of myself right now. "How did he know what I was thinking?"

''Kit I really love you, you know that right?'' He asked in calm tone.

''I hate you'', I said with my voice breaking and chocking on tears. Then I quickly looked away, my cheeks were blushed, and my ears were flushed like beetroot.

''I'm not going to do anything to you, Kit, I promise! Please look into my eyes''. I slowly looked up and looked back down with every degree, shape and size of embarrassment written on my face. Ming lifted my chin with his fingers and said ''Kitty, please be my boyfriend!''.

Upon hearing his plea, I was already short of breadth. I looked away and repeated ''I hate you!''. At this point my face had already changed several colours and shades of red and wine.

After a while. ''Kit answer my question or I punish you!'', this time around Ming's voice was a bit cold, raised, and very commanding. This sent shivers through my body as I quickly nodded "Yes".

... ''Please!'', still demanding an answer.

... "Please!"

''Yes, I will be your boyfriend", I whispered slowly.

''Louder!'', he demanded.

I just looked into his face and yelled, ''I love you too you idiot! And yes, I would like to be your boyfriend!''. Then I smiled at him as he stared at me with his eyes lit and searching, and a smile sweeping across his lips.

Ming pulled me into his embrace and planted his soft lips on mine.

This time it felt different.... It was not a hungry kiss, neither did it feel awkward. It was of pure joy.... from pure love.

2moons Hard Love! (Remake Of My 2 Moons Deep In Love Book!)Where stories live. Discover now