Chapter 7- The New beginning

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Chapter 7

Asalamalykum! How are you all? Thank you for staying patient! Just a quick heads up, I want to tell you all that I do not intend for you to be influenced by Anna in this chapter, she is young and not Muslim. She is going through a hard time at the moment, so she may do things that I wouldn't recommend for you to do, please do not be influenced and do these things, it's just a made up chapter.

*I warn you that anything you are influenced by these chapters is upon yourself, as I warn you out of respect now, morally, ethically and Islamically do not copy please.

JazakaAllah khair.


My mum leaves the house super early in the morning and comes back home really late, she is a midwife and sometimes she does night shifts and she works all night till the morning. I usually hated not seeing my mum for so long, but tonight I was praying hard that she would be working. This was going to be the first party I have ever been invited to, and I really wanted to go. I don't even care that Natalie doesn't know my name, because what matters the most is that I make a new change, being 16 will be revolutionary.

The sun had set and it was late evening, my house was usually silent during these hours. Lina and Trina literally own the living room, and since Anton has his own TV he plays his ps3 in his room. My house is average as soon as you walk in the door to the left there is a staircase leading upstairs to the bedrooms and a long rectangular doorway opening the plain white décor living room, kitchen, and its neighbouring dining/guest room. There are 3 floors, the 2nd floor is where they all reside, whilst I am the queen in the attic, haha. 

I sat in the kitchen finishing off the last bit of my cereal as I heard my mum about to leave.

"Anton! I need you to go and buy some groceries, we've ran out of milk, and get any other things you need, I am doing a night shift tonight and tomorrow night so I won't have time" My mum yelled out as she was putting on her jacket.

"Ughh Lina and Trina need to learn how to drive, there's too much on my plate!" He shouted back.

"What?!" Yelled Trina back confused on hearing her name being mentioned.

"Nothing!" Anton screamed.

"You obviously called my name out for a reason" said Trina now walking to the prime scene, mean whilst I sat fascinated. "What do you want?!" She exclaimed. Trina is fiercer than Lina, she can be quite a bully at times.

"You need to bloody learn how to drive, it's always Anton do this, Anton go here!" He was frustrated. Like always picking a fight.

"No. You know what" Trina began speaking spitefully "I won't learn now, not if you speak to me that way, you're always like this, and you can stay a chauffeur all your life for all I care!" Trina slammed the living room door shut. I stared from the kitchen, very used to this, my mum didn't even care she continued scurrying around the house trying not to be late for work.

"Stop this Anton, you need to be more nicer to your sisters, and until they learn, you are the driver" she slid into her comfy Crocs shoes and opened the front door, "okay darlings I love you all, bye, lock the doors, you know the routine" She blew kisses and ran out in a hurry.

This was all too perfect. Trina was mad at Anton, which consequently meant Lina would be too. Which then means that they won't speak until tomorrow, which also means Anton will lock himself in his room not talking to them. Which further more means, I can escape without anyone noticing. I sat in the kitchen carefully planning out how I can escape tonight, no way on earth would my brother let me go, and mum wouldn't need to know about tonight because she's not home. I thought hard, and finally just went with the flow.

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