Natalie POV- old habits die hard

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Natalie POV- old habits die hard

"Okay you have to go now before my parents get back!" I yelled at Kori. I really thought that I wouldn't repeat this. But that's just it, 'this'. Whatever this is between me and Kori, it will never leave. It's like I cannot live without him, without his happiness, yet I feed off his need for me. And he only wants me when I don't want him. It's sickening. This vicious cycle. But I love it.

"Gimme a kiss" he pointed to his lips, I leaned forwards and hovered above his lips, close enough to feel him melting for me, but far enough to tease him. So I turned to his cheek and softly kissed him.

"That should be enough." I smirked walking off.

"ahh, why you gotta do that for." He sighed, and though my back was facing him I could tell he was blushing and trying his hardest to maintain his militant cool that only I knew and understood so well.

"Common, get out before my parents come. You know they don't like you." I sounded so patronising, and it suited me well.

"Where's my hoody?" He suddenly changed his tone, playing the game back. Did the demon just awake? I think he just realised that the game board has become 1:1. Yes. He put me through hell seeing him with Anna, but I got you back baby, you just cheated on her.

"Oh this?" I smirked a heavy side smile. "Look at you, you're such a bad boy, wearing hoodies and cheating on innocent girls" I emphasised on my accent adding a pinch of sour to it.

"Are you forgetting you cheated on David as well? Or does your toy boy not matter?" he snapped. And my face dropped.

"Toy boy?" my eyes fuming.

"What? You actually think I fell for your sad game." He raised his eyebrow.

"What the hell you talking about? Someone's paranoid." I hissed reluctant.

"Whatever puts you to sleep at night." He smirked, trying to grab the hoody from me. But the arrogance within me was exploding.

"You think you got Anna wrapped around your finger? Really? So pathetic of you, you're talking about games when you're the one still playing." I couldn't help but feel jealous.

"It's not a game though, to you maybe, but to me it's an accomplishment. It's easy to get girls down on their knee's but when it's a challenge surrounded by envy, boy! That's what I like." Kori didn't realise my face expression. He basically enjoys seeing me suffer. He objectifies girls as items, and the disgusting thing is, he is doing all of this to numb the emotional pain he suffers.

"You're wrong. All the girls in the past, that was luck, hell I even had fun seeing you walk away empty, but Anna. She's different. She won't ever love you, or give in to you, she love's Yunas."

"YUNAS?! I HATE THAT WASTEMAN. I'm gonna send hell his way, Watch" He exploded. And I widened my smile.
"Like I said, you still want this girl so bad, but you cheated on her?" I always win.

"Go fetch your hoody" I laughed as I threw it out the window. And like the dog he was he ran after it.


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